Chapter 2

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Dumbledore ran out of his office with the students behind him. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had their wands out ready to fight. The Marauders and Lily was confused and scared on what was going on. Were students really fighting, Lily thought to herself.

"Dumbledore, what do you want us to do?" The James look alike asked.

"I want you to get the students out of Hogsmeade and back to the castle. You know where to transport them through. Make sure no one sees you." Dumbledore ordered.

The James look alike turned to the girl with red hair and another kid that was little short and chubby that joined the group as they went down to the village. They those two left the group and went toward the buildings. James look alike then turned to the other two students that were still there and said,

"We are going to have to help the teachers. But make sure that they don't see you and be careful. If you see any underage students fighting get them to safety." He commanded.

"Wait? What about us? What are we supposed to do?" Lily asked scared.

The rest of the group halted forgetting that they were there. The James look alike turned around to face them and said,

"Go back to the castle and Remus owl the older you and tell him to get the Order and come to Hogsmeade quickly! The rest of you can help Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing."

The Marauders and Lily just nodded and ran back to the castle to get help. As they were told they went to the hospital wing to help. As they got there Madam Pomfrey asked,

"Who are you?"

"Ummmm.... Dumbledore sent us to help you with the injured. There is an attack going on at Hogsmeade." Lily said.

Right after that Madam Pomfrey became frantic and started to run around the Hospital Wing to get things ready. Remus disappeared to contact the other him. When he got back he said,

"Is this for real?"

"I really don't know but I guess this is really happening." James said.

"Yeah well I don't want to sit here and wait for it to be over. I want to help. Let's go down there to help. They are going to need more help down there then up here." Sirius stated.

The Marauders snuck out to help the other down in Hogsmeade. Lily stayed to help Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing, since she was better healing then fighting. As they got down there the Order had just arrived. It was hectic down there. Everyone was everywhere and you could see everyone fighting. James notice the look alike he was taking on three Death Eaters at once and the girl with the brown bushy hair was fighting along with some other students of five Death Eaters. He could not believe that students fought. James turned to asks Sirius what they should do but Sirius was already fighting and James joined him.

Harry turned to see that the Marauders had joined. Harry directed some of the Order to protect them. James saw that the Death Eaters back off as more Order joined the fight. They all disappeared. The James look alike ran to help people get up and to take them to the Hospital wing. Once everyone got back to the castle Harry ran up to the Marauders and screamed,


"Calm down Harry. It is in their blood to help. You should understand that." The bushy hair girl said.

Harry sighed and said, "Thank you. But next time when someone gives you a direction to stay at the castle with you listen?" Harry said.

"I don't have to listen to you. You are not head of anything important. You are just a little student." Sirius spatted toward Harry.

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