Chapter 4

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The rest of the day was peaceful. The school was whispering about the new students. The whole school was whispering and gossiping about the new students. The Marauders were slowly getting use to their surrounding in the future. They still had lots of questions and Lily knew that she would get to the bottom of all of it.

"Hermione, I know that you are not to tell me everything but I do have some questions that you could answer for me. " Lily asked.

"Sure. Ask away. I will answer anything." Hermione responded.

"Well, you already told us about the war but how are all our futures? I want to know all about Harry, Ron, and yours life." Lily said.

Hermione sighed and got up. She told Lily to follow her and they headed to find someone. Hermione walked up to where Harry and Ron were with the Marauders by the fire place. Hermione whispered something in his ear but Lily did not understand her. Harry sighed and said looking at Lily,

"I guess we can tell you everything but we need to go to the Room of Requirement to talk in private."

They all got up and walked to room and the room looked like the Gryffindor common room. Everyone sat down by the fire and was facing Harry. Hermione was sitting in one of the chairs right next to Harry. Harry sighed and said,

"I guess we should start at the beginning. As in the beginning I mean when I was one years old."

"But why do we need to start there?" Remus asked.

"Because that is where it all began." Hermione stated.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione took turns sharing what happened in their years at Hogwarts and all of their adventures. By the end Lily was in tears and James was just put an arm around her shoulder to calm her down. Everyone else was silent; they did not know what to say about what the past. Remus thought to himself, I can't believe that the future is that bad. Who know that three people could have been through so much?

"I am so sorry Harry!" Lily said in between crying.

"It's not your fault. It's none of your fault. None of us would have known that all of this would have happened." Hermione said.

"You should know that even though I was left with my aunt and uncle, I did meet some great people. I most at the Weasley's house and Mrs. Weasley take great care of me like her own. Plus I have my two best friends that help me out through everything. I am never alone. I always have someone here for me." Harry stated.

Lily smiled to what Harry said. That gave Lily some reassurance. James smiled at that and said,

"See Lily, I figured even if he is with those horrible family members of yours. Sorry to say that but Harry will not ever be alone. We left him with some great that we trust. He has Remus, the Weasleys, and let's not forgets all of these great teachers here at Hogwarts like Dumbledore." James said.

"Your right James. Even if we don't have a choose on our future but at least I know that my son is alright and he knows that we are proud of him and that we love him." Lily stated smiling at Harry.

Harry had a huge grin on his face and said,

"You have no idea how happy that I got to hear that from you. Yeah I heard that from other people telling me that my parents would be proud and all of that. But hearing it from you personally means so much more."

Hermione know that she saw real happiness in her best friend. She had never seen Harry so happy before until now. This was his chance to get to know his parents and godfather personally. Hermione looked around the room and saw that Sirius was smirking at her. Hermione smiled back but she felt something different.

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