Chapter 15

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As they entered the Great Hall for dinner, there stood Mr. Lider Util by the teacher's table in the front. Everyone started to whisper. No one had ever seen Professor Lider Util during meals. Hermione just ignored everyone's whisper and sat down. She could hear Sirius and James whispering.

"You do know why he never eats with all of us in the Great Hall?"

"No, why?" Remus asked.

"Because he thinks everyone here is underneath him. That he is better than everyone else." Sirius said.

"But he does not seem like that during classes. He seems like he actually cares for everyone." Lily spoke up.

"Well that is all just a fake face. I heard that he is a death eater undercover." Dean spoke in.

"You have to be absorbed. Don't you remember the last time a death eater was undercover in Hogwarts. You should know by now that Dumbledore would not let it happen again." Hermione spoke up.

Dumbledore stood up in front of the Great Hall and spoke up,

"There are rumors about Professor Lider Util. He has addressed me and asked me to let him have a few words for all of you."

Professor Lider Util took Professors Dumbledore's spot. He stayed quiet for a few seconds. He was wearing a dark robe. He did not say a word at first. Everyone was on edge on what he was going to say or worse do something to them. The one thing that came into mind was when the fake Mad Eye Moody turned Draco Malfoy into a ferret. Professor Lider Util step forward and cleared his throat,

"I know that everyone has some thoughts on who I am. I can tell you this right now; I am not a death eater. I want what everyone one of you wants. I want to have a better future and with this war coming you all need to know your stuff. I want all my students to be prepared for what is out there in this world. Because the real world is not like school, if you mess up out there you cannot come back and change it. There are lives to worry about." Mr. Lider Util started to say. He walked to the front of the room now.

"Everyone thinks that I am a mystery. But you are all wrong. I have shown you who I am and I know for a fact that one student in here know my true identity."

He looks at Hermione with a smile. That was when he started to change. He was getting shorter and he started to get younger. Everyone gasped at the sighed they saw.

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