Chapter 31

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He handed it to her and Hermione opened it up to find a beautiful necklace. She looked up to Fred and saw him smiling at her. She took it out of the box and examined it. It was in a shape of a heart and she flipped it over to see in grave was the words 'true love'. Hermione gave him a look and then said,

"Fred this is beautiful. Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it but there is more to it. Open it." Fred told Hermione.

Hermione gave him a confused look and then opened the heart necklace. She saw that it was a locket. There inside was a picture of her, Harry, and Ron. They were sitting by the lake laughing in the sun. What surprised her was that the picture changed and then there was another picture of her and all of the Weasleys at the Burrow during summer. The picture kept changing to different pictures and moments that has happened in her life.

Hermione didn't know that she was crying. Fred whipped the tear away and asked,

"Do you like it?"

Hermione could only nodded. She was looking for her words but could not find them. Fred was the only one that could truly make her speechless. Hermione wrapped her arms around Fred and gave him a huge hug. He leaned in and accepted that hug.

"Could you put it on me?" Hermione asked moving her hair sideways.

Fred gentle clasped the necklace onto her. It hung there perfectly. Hermione looked down at it and asked,

"Where did you find something like this? It's incredible."

"Actually I invented it." Fred admitted.

"Really, wow Fred. This is amazing. Are you going to sell them in the shop?" Hermione asked interested.

"I don't know. I didn't even tell George about them. I just made it for you. It's a necklace that captures your good and happy memories and puts them into picture form even the ones that you can't even remember. It's something that can carry with you to have hope." Fred explained.

"Just wow. So I am the only one that actually have one?" Hermione asked.

Fred nodded. Hermione raised an eye brow and asked,


"Because you are someone special and you are the one who inspired me to create it. I overheard you talking about memories to Harry and Ron and that you wish that there was a way to capture them to remember them forever. It got me thinking and then I created that." Fred said pointing to the necklace.

"Fred that is amazing. You really should show George this. This can really be a great idea for the shop. You could make a bracelet for the males or the women who don't like wearing necklaces." Hermione started to rant about the idea.

Fred just sat there listening to her. He loved it when she had an idea and just went to talking about it. He thought it was a good idea but did he want to share that special thing between Hermione and him to the world. Hermione saw the look in his eyes and said,

"Fred, you should share this idea to the world. I am so bless that you created it because of me. I will love this forever but there is people out there in the world that would love this. Everyone would love to have something that can have their memories in it to remember when the dark times come."

"Fine but I have one condition." Fred said with a smirk.

"What's that?" Hermione asked curious.

"That you are the model for the product." Fred shared.

Hermione was surprised at what Fred asked her to do. She did not think she could do it. She was not pretty enough to do that. Yes, Fred got inspired by her but being the model for the product was something different.

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