Chapter 3

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The next day the Marauders and Lily went to the room of requirements. They all sat there in silence at first not believing that they are in the future and that the future is so horrible. Lily spoke up and said,

"Could all of this really be happening?"

"I don't know. It seems so real." James said quietly.

"I woke up this morning thinking we were in our time and I would see Alice and Mary but I didn't. Then I remembered all that happened yesterday. I at first thought it was a dream but when I saw that Hermione and Ginny was there I know that it was no dream." Lily stated sadly.

"You know something. That Ginny girl reminds me of Claws. She looks just like her and she has the same name. "Remus stated when Lily brought up Ginny.

"You know what, you are right Remus. That is weird. But she's Molly's daughter so maybe Molly named her after Claws." James reassured his friends.

"Well how do you explain why she looks like her? I don't remember Claws saying she was a pureblood. She said that she was a muggle born." Remus said.

"Well since it is possible to travel to the future, even though I still don't know how. Maybe it is possible to travel back in time?" Lily even questioned herself when she said that.

The door opened at that time and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna came in. They know that the Marauders and Lily would be there. Hermione sat down by Remus wit Ginny and the others conjured some chairs to sit on. Harry spoke up,

"We wondered where you went. You missed breakfast."

"Yeah. We wanted to discuss some things in private. How do you know about the Room of Requirement? " James asked.

"We found it last year in my fifth year." Harry stated.

"Would you like something to eat?" Hermione asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement and Sirius' stomached growled in agreement. Hermione called,


A small house elf with a weird looking hat came out of nowhere. He was tall and slim. Dobby looked toward Hermione and said,

"How can I help Miss Hermione?"

"Could you bring us some food Dobby?" Hermione stated.

Dobby disappeared and Sirius looked at Hermione in confusion. Hermione then explained that Dobby is a free house elf that works at Hogwarts and a friend of theirs. The Marauders had never heard of a house elf being friends with witches and wizards. But it was a different time and things could have changed.

"So I think some of you may have questions for us." Hermione said. "Dumbledore said that we can answer your question to the best of your ability. You can ask anything and we will tell you if we can answer that if not we will explain why we can't."

"Alright, I have a question. How bad is the war?" Remus asked.

That question has been bothering all of them. They wanted to know what were they facing and if they have won the first war. But from what they saw yesterday the first question that the thought about was answered. They know that that first war was over and it may have not went that well.

"Well before I tell you about the war. You should know that the first war ended by the time we were all born. The reason to that is because Voldemort was gone." Hermione started.

"How could he have been gone?" Sirius spoke up.

"There was a person that stopped him but we will get to that later." Hermione looked towards Harry as she said that. "Let's focus at one question at a time."

"The war is....." Hermione was trying to find the right words to say. She looked toward her friends for help and Harry spoke up and said,

"These are dark times and we are facing the second war soon."

They stayed in the Room of Requirements not really asking too much questions. They just talked about some memories that they all have happened to them at Hogwarts. They left the room to go to the Great Hall for lunch.

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