Chapter 28

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"Well, he is Fred Weasley. But I am not sure about it." Hermione explained to Molly.

Molly looked at Hermione surprised. She did not know what to say. She thought it was someone else. Molly looked toward Hermione and said,

"Really Fred?"

"Yes, who did you think it was? You seem shocked." Hermione said.

"Well, I thought for a second that you were talking about Harry dear." Molly confessed.

"What?! No Mrs. Weasley. Harry is like a brother to me. That's all." Hermione said smiling trying to hold a laugh in.

Molly looked at her and started to laugh. Hermione started to laugh too. Hermione smiled at Molly and said,

"What do I do about Sirius?"

"That is hard to say my dear. But I know that you will figure it out. You always do. Now how about we go downstairs for some hot chocolate?" Molly asked.

Hermione nodded and they went back downstairs. You could hear the laughter and talking from the staircase. Molly looked over to Hermione and they entered the kitchen. There you saw everyone having a good time.

"If I remember from that moment was Malfoy standing there and Hermione yelled at him, 'you foul loathsome evil little," Harry was saying.

"Cockroach. Then I punched him." Hermione finished Harry's story.

Everyone looked to the entrance and saw Hermione standing there smiling. She walked over to sit next to Harry and Ron. She then said,

"He toppled backwards and could not believe a muggle born like me would do that to him. He has been hesitant since then."

Everyone started laugh at that. Hermione smiled and relaxed al little bit. She would forget about her situation between Sirius and herself. They started to share stories and having a good time. Later that night Tonks was leaving with Lupin.

"Are you sure you can't stay longer?" Molly asked.

"Yeah sorry we can't you know how it is before the full moon." Tonks said.

Hermione sat on the couch reading a book. She looked up and saw Harry talking with Ginny. She thought they were so cute together. She could feel someone looking at her. Hermione looked up and saw Fred leaning against the door smiling at Hermione.

"Why do I always find you with a book in your hand in that spot late at night?" Fred asked walking toward her with a flirty grin.

Hermione laughed at him. This was not the first time he found Hermione in the same spot late at night. She loved siting in the big comfy chair reading into the night. She often feel a sleep there but somehow always ended back up in her bed. She finally figured it out one night that it was Fred who took her back to her bed when she fell asleep on the chair.

"Well Fred, I love it in this spot. I feel at peace here." Hermione said.

Fred smiled and sat on the armchair next to Hermione. Fred took Hermione's book and looked at it. Hermione tried to grab it from him but he would not let her have it. They heard a crashing noise and Hermione saw Harry run outside. Hermione looked toward Fred and they looked outside and saw Bellatrix and Grayback there. Hermione quickly ran up the stairs and went into Ron's room. Fred was right behind her. Ron jumped out of bed and watched as Hermione grabbed a few things. She then ran out and screamed,

"Get everyone out of here. NOW RONALD!"

She ran back down the stairs and to the living room. Hermione then placed all of the gift and most valuable things that she could grab into a small bag. Fred looked at her and said,

"What are you doing?"

"Saving the most valuable things you guys ever have." Hermione said.

Before Fred could ask about anything else. Everyone was running downstairs and then you could smell smoke. Fred grabbed Hermione's hand and they ran out of the house. Everyone stood in front the Burrow. Hermione looked around and saw Harry. She ran to him and said,

"Don't worry. I have it all right here. The map, cloak, and album. It's all safe."

Harry hugged Hermione and they turned to look at the others. Tonks and Lupin lead everyone to the barn where it was safer. Hermione casted some protection spells on it. They waited for help. Harry sent word to Dumbledore for help and transportation. They heard a carriage land and Harry hear Thestrals and ran out. There stood a Hogwarts carriage. The doors opened up and there stood,

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