Chapter 32

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"The winner of the game is... For the first time in history I think you all would not believe it but it's a tie. Both Potters touched the snitch at the same time. It's a tie." Hermione screamed.

Everyone looked at each other shocked. Someone screamed,

"That can't be possible!"

"What are you going to doubting Hermione Granger," George started.

"That brightest witch of her years and maybe even others?" Fred finished asking.

Everyone stayed quiet and Fred and George said together,

"We thought so."

Hermione just shook her head and waved her wand a few times and then a screen appeared in front of them. Everyone watched as Harry and James both caught the snitch at the same time. They whispered to each other. Once it was getting colder outside everyone went back to Hogwarts castle to warm up. Hermione walked into the Great Hall to enjoy some hot cocoa. She was stopped by two people. Hermione looked up and was faced with Sirius and Fred. She looked around the room to see the whole Great Hall of people was staring at them.

"How can I help you two?" Hermione asked looking from Sirius to Fred.

"Well, Miss Granger we have a bet to deal with." Fred said with a wink.

"Oh the one that both of you won?" Hermione asked trying to act stupid.

Both boys nodded. Hermione sighed and said,

"I guess I can reward you both." She smirked and continued on, "Close your eyes and lean in."

They both leaned in at the same time. Hermione stepped backwards and before you could know it, the whole Great Hall burst into laughter. Fred and Sirius jumped back when they realized that they were not kissing Hermione but each other. Hermione was smirking and was laughing as well. Sirius and Fred faced Hermione. She smirked and said,

"What's the matter boys? Didn't you like your reward?"

"Oh Granger you are going to get it. Do you agree with me Sirius?" Fred spoke up asking facing Sirius evilly.

"I agree with you Freddie. Let's get her." Sirius said going after Hermione.

Hermione eyes grew big when she realized they were both coming after her. She ran off around the Great Hall. All you heard was people screaming saying 'get her boys' or 'run Hermione run'. Hermione ran out of the Great Hall and passed Mrs. Weasley with Ginny. Ginny screamed,

"Where's the fire Hermione?"

"Can't talk now. Have to run before they get me." Hermione screamed turned the corner.

"Who's getting," Ginny was about to ask before getting her answer as Fred and Sirius ran down the corridor.

Fred looked to Sirius and said,

"Where do you think she went?"

"Oh who knows? But she can't get that far." Sirius said with a smirk.

They both knew where Hermione was. Hermione hid behind the statue with the Hogwarts crest holding. Sirius smirked to Fred and motioned him to go one side and he will go the other. They quietly went around as Hermione looked around the corner. She smirked as she watched them fall for her trick. She watched them come out looking confused and lost.

Hermione snickered but it was too loud. Both heads looked up to face Hermione, they went after her and she was trapped now. Hermione ran down a corridor to a dead end. Fred and Sirius smirked to each other and Fred said evilly,

"I guess someone is stuck now."

Hermione smirked at them both flirty not saying a word. She did not know how to get out but she was going to get away pass those two. Right then she had an idea and said,

"Alright you got me but let me make it up to you both."

They looked to each other and then back to Hermione. Fred and Sirius thought about it at first trying to consider it or not. But at the end they walked up to her and Sirius asked,

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I will give both the kiss you deserve." Hermione explained.

They both nodded in approval and stepped forward to Hermione. She smiled to them both and went up to them. Hermione got her wand out and casted a spell to tie both Fred and Sirius up. They both fell onto the floor. Hermione smirked and said,

"I can't believe you fell for it again. See you later boys."

She walked back into the Great Hall. Everyone was shocked to see her smiling. George walked up to her and asked,

"What happened?"

"Well, let me show you." She said floating Fred and Sirius into the Great Hall.

Everyone burst into laughter. George came up to Fred and patted his shoulder. He was laughing at his twin's stupidity.

"How could you have fallen for it again Freddie?" George asked in between laughter.

"Shut up Georgie. Get me out of these!" Fred said struggling to get out of the ropes.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Hermione said smirking.

Everyone watched Hermione confront them both. She had an evil glint in her eyes.

"What do you mean Mione?" Sirius asked struggling.

"They will tighten every time you struggle. But I think I can let you go if," Hermione said think to herself.

"If what?" Fred asked.

"Never mind, it's the holidays and I will let you slid this time." Hermione said with a grin.

She waved her wand and they both were let go and the ropes disappeared. She sat back down with Harry and Ron. They were both smiling and still laughing at what Hermione did. Ron spoke up and said,

"I said it once and I will say it again. You are scary sometimes Hermione. Do you know that?"

Hermione started to laugh and said,

"Oh Ron. You know me too well. But I had to escape some way. They had me cornered in a dead end corridor."

Everyone listened to Hermione explain what happen while they drank their hot cocoa. Mrs. Weasley noticed the time and said,

"Alright you lot. Time for bed. Let's get a move on."

Everyone groaned and was about to protest but went up to Gryffindor Common room anyways. Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat in the common room by the fire. Hermione was reading while Harry and Ron played wizard's chess. She dropped her book and said,

"I have figured it out."

They both looked at Hermione confused. Hermione got onto the floor where they were sitting. She showed them the book she was reading. It was about time traveling and accidental time travels. Both boys looked at Hermione confused.

"What are you showing us?" Ron asked.

"I know what happened to the Marauders and Lily and how they got here." Hermione explained.

"Do you know how to get them back?" Harry asked concerned.

Hermione sighed and said,

"Not yet but I will find a way."

"Knowing you Hermione. You will find a way." A voice said from the stairway.

The three looked over their shoulder to see,

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