Chapter 11

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As Ginny and Hermione talked in the library they did not know that there was someone watching them. It was not like Remus to sneak around and watch his friends but he was going to see if Hermione was alright. Then he overheard everything. He slowly remembers Ginny as Claws and knew that there was something familiar about her. Remus left the library to go find his friends to tell them what he found out.

Remus ran to find his friends by the lake sitting under the tree. Lily was working on some homework while James and Sirius were trying to bug her to have some fun. They saw Remus coming and Sirius screamed,

"Hey Rems. Come join us."

"There you all are. I need to talk to you. It is really important." Remus said quickly.

"What is it Remus?" Lily asked now concerned.

"I don't think it is smart to talk here. Can we go to the Room of Requirement to talk?" Remus asked.

They all nodded in agreement. Remus led them to the room and they all sat down and they focused all of their attention onto their friend Remus. Remus sighed and said,

"I know this might be crazy but keep an open mind." Remus began. When no one said anything he continued, "I know where Claws is."

"What? Where is she?" James said excited.

"That's the thing. She has been under our noses this whole time. Claws is Ginny Weasley." Remus said.

"What? That can't be." Sirius said.

"But it could. We know for a fact that time travel is possible. Ginny does look like the Ginny we know. And they both have the same name but our Ginny last name is Granger. I know for a fact that Hermione Granger does not have any other family that is magical." Lily said.

"That is true. I can't believe it that Claws is here. We have to go talk to her." James said.

"I agree with that but we should wait until we are all together with her friends also." Remus said.

They walked into the Gryffindor common room. There sat Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny by the fire place talking and laughing. Remus walked up to them and said,

"We all need to talk."

"Alright. Let's talk in private." Harry said.

They all walked up into the boys' dorm room. Hermione put up some wards and spells so that no one could hear them. Everyone sat on the beds and floor. They all faced the Marauders and Lily. Remus sighed and said,

"Ginny we know who you are." Remus stated facing Ginny.

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