Chapter 7

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"Well they are not going to let Lupin back in. Not now that he is here in the past version and we don't want any suspicions." Harry said sadly.

"Not Lupin Harry. I'm talking about you!" Hermione reviled the person she was describing.

"What me? No, I can't. I just can't." Harry said.

"Why not? You heard Dumbledore, he is looking for a person that he thinks that will hit his high expectation. Who else then they boy who created and lead Dumbledore's Army?" Hermione asked.

Harry did not know what to say. He know that Hermione had a good point and he had had people come up to him asking if DA was coming back. This would be his opportunity to show everyone that he knows what he was doing. Then he thought about his schooling.

"What about my schooling Hermione?" Harry asked.

"If Dumbledore approves of you then he will do anything to get the best for his students. That would even mean for one of his students having a different schedule then others. If I have to teach you myself I will. I will tutor you in your classes so that you will not be behind and so that you can teach us." Hermione stated.

Hermione was being determined on this. She knew that Harry would be the best choose and when Dumbledore said his speech he was talking about Harry. Hermione pushed Harry to the common room door and right to the Headmaster's office. Ginny, Neville, Ron, and Luna followed them.

Hermione knocked on the Headmaster's door and they heard a faint enter. As the six of them enter his office they saw that the Minister of Magic was there. Hermione stopped in her tracks and said,

"Headmaster, I want to suggest some to you that I think you be a great Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for us."

"Well Miss Granger if it is Mr. Lupin I think that would not be a good idea." Dumbledore stated.

"Oh no sir. It is not Remus Lupin. I am talking about Harry sir." Hermione said pushing Harry forward.

"Excuse me." The Minister piped in.

"Yes Minister. Is there a problem?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, there is Miss. This student cannot be a teacher. He is still in school." The Minister said.

"I know that Minister. But like I am going to tell the Headmaster here, Harry is the best candidate for this job. He had taught me and so many more students in this school about that subject than any other each I have ever had for that subject. Harry here knew what he is talking about and is experienced but real life experience. More than any other student or adult could say for their life." Hermione stated her point.

"I see where you are coming from Miss Granger. Now I am concerned about two things. One is about his schooling? And that other is if Mr. Potter really wants to?" Dumbledore now addressing Harry for his thought on this.

"Well sir, I would really love to do this. Only if you allow me to. I feel that I can really bring a lot of things into the students' life. Even if I am still a student I believe that I am capable of teaching them. Just like how Hermione said, I have more life experience than I want but I know that I can use these life experiences to help others do better." Harry said.

"And for school I thought that if you really wanted him you would figure something out. Even if I had to tutor him myself sir." Hermione stated.

Dumbledore looked toward his students that stood in his office. Every one of them was nodding in agreement on what Hermione and Harry had to say. They believed in Harry and know that he would be a great teacher if he had a chance. Dumbledore looked toward the Minister and said,

"I have heard your view and I will take them in consideration on my decision. I am dismissing you all and I think the Minister and I have some unfinished discussion to discuss."

They all left Dumbledore's office and headed down the stairs. Hermione was really hoping that this would help and get Harry to become Professor of DADA.

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