Chapter 29

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The doors opened up and there stood Neville and Luna. Harry ran up to Neville and gave him a hug and then Luna. Everyone else gave Neville and Luna a hello or a hug.

"Are you ready to go?" Neville asked.

Everyone nodded and headed into the carriage. It was a tight squeeze at first until Hermione stood up and made casted a spell to make it bigger inside. She sat back down in between Fred and Sirius. Hermione looked over to Ginny and she was trying to hold in a laughter. Hermione just shook her head. She looked over to Harry and saw that he was staring out of the window. She could tell that he wished to be outside with the Order on his broom.

They landed at Hogwarts. Everyone started to get out. There was waiting Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Madam Pomfrey. Dumbledore walked up the group and said,

"Is everyone alright?"

"Yes, but I would get Harry and Ginny check out. They went after Bellatrix and Greyback." Hermione stated.

Harry glanced over to Hermione. She knows that he does not like to go to the Hospital Wing. Hermione walked over to Harry and whispered into his ear and he laughed. Sirius watched the interaction of Hermione and Harry. Fred walked over to Sirius and tapped his back.

"They have a special relationship that no one else can explain. There is a connection between Harry and Hermione but not in a relationship way." Fred explained.

Sirius smirked and said,

"I could tell. It's important to have that kind of connection with at least someone."

Fred nodded and watched as Harry and Hermione talked to Dumbledore about the event that just happened.

Everyone went inside and headed to the Gryffindor common room. They were all so tired right when they went to bed everyone went to sleep. Hermione could not sleep, she tossed and turned. She headed down to the common room. She sat on the couch and watched the fire. She heard footsteps coming down. Hermione whipped her wand out and pointed it to Sirius standing there. She put her wand away and sat back down.

"Jumpy?" Sirius asked with a smirk.

Hermione smiled and said,

"A little bit."

"Wow. The great Hermione Granger is jumpy." Sirius said with a laugh.

Hermione looked at him. She did not like what he said. She got up and said,

"What you don't think people like me have a right to be jumpy once in a while? That we have to have a strong face on twenty- four seven. Well, you are wrong Black."

Hermione left him standing there and went upstairs to her dorm room. She entered her room and just slid the door and just sat there on the ground. She then just started to cry. Hermione looked around and knew that she did not want to wake up anyone in the room. They have all been through enough today.

Hermione woke up in her bed. She looked around and saw Lily and Ginny sitting by her bed waiting. They looked over and Ginny smiled and said,

"Merry Christmas Hermione."

Hermione smiled at the both of them and said,

"Merry Christmas girls."

They went downstairs and saw everyone waiting for them. Hermione smiled when she saw her best friends there. They all headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast and Hermione had an idea. She left the group and headed to a different direction. Everyone was confused.

Hermione walked into the Great Hall with a huge on her face. She came up to Mrs. Weasley and said,

"I know that this is not your annual Christmas morning but I do have this for you."

Hermione brought out her wand and casted a spell to make the Witch Sister Christmas album playing everywhere. Then the school started to transform into a more comfortable place that reminded her of the Burrow. Molly got up and hugged Hermione. It was so thoughtful. They finished breakfast and headed back up to the Gryffindor common room to open presents.

They all got comfortable in the common room and Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley pasted out the presents. Everyone started to open their gifts. Hermione mostly got books, school supplies, Fred and George gave her some product from their shop. She looked confused when it she saw a note with Fred and George's present. It said,


This is from both of us but I also have something special for you but I want to give it to you in private.


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