Chapter 22

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There stood Fred in the doorway. Hermione got up and hugged him. He wrapped his strong arms around her. James just stood there. He did not know what to do. He could tell that there was something between the red head and Hermione.

"Umm..." James said with a cough.

Hermione go out of Fred's embrace. She turned a little pink in her cheeks. James smirk and laughed a little bit.

"What are you doing here Fred? I thought you were at the shop." Hermione asked facing Fred.

"We were but we had some business in Hogsmeade so we thought to pop in and say hi to everyone." Fred said.

"What was the business about?" Hermione asked. Then she turned around to be face to face with James. "Oh yeah, James this is Fred Weasley. You may have seen him once. Fred I think you know who this is." Hermione intruduced each other.

"Of course I remember him. I saw you when we first arrived here." James said.

"Yeah, I definatly know who you are. My twin and I looked up to your pranks. You are our heros." Fred stated with a grin.

"Thanks man. You are a prankster too?" James asked.

Hermione snorted to that question. Both of the boys looked at Hermione. She smiled toward Fred and said,

"Fred and his twin, George are called the second best right next to the Marauders. I should know."

James nodded in respect. He was pleased to know that there was still some pranksers to cause some mayhem to the teachers in this school.

"So is everything alright Mione?" Fred asked focussing his attention onto Hermione.

"I guess, for right now. But there is problems that are going to have to be fixed later but they can wait right now. We better get back to Gryffindor common room so no one will get worried." Hermione said looking toward James.

They walked to Gryffindor common room in silence. Hermione went in first and there was George and the others by the fireplace waiting. Hermione walked over with James and Fred. She sat on the floor right next to Harry. No one said anything. They just starred at Hermione. They were waiting for her to say something.

"What do you want me to say? Sorry that I ran and not telling you things that I thought was not important." Hermione finally spoke up.

"But Hermione, having nightmares like that are not good. I would have helped you. I want to help you. You are family and family help each other." Harry said placing his arm around her shoulder.

"Harry, I knew you were going to say that. Just like how I know that Ron is going to tell me that I should have told you both a while ago but I have told someone. They just don't remember it because they are not at the right age yet." Hermione said looking toward Sirius and Remus.

"Wait us?" Sirius gestured toward Remus and himself.

"Yes you two. Also Ginny. But mostly you Sirius." Hermione said truthfully.

Sirius smiled know that he had helped them in the future in some way even if he was on the run. Sirius did not want to ask if Hermione heard him say that he liked her or not. That could be answered by his best friend.

It has been a while since that incoduent with spilling the truth out. Christmas was around the corner and everyone was excited for winter break. Hermione could tell that Lily and the Marauders were excited but also upset. Hermione walked down with her suitcase and walked to the group. She saw Lily and James were whispering about something and they were really close. Lily kept looking toward Harry and Ginny. Hermione smiled and nodded when Lily eyes connected with hers.

They all headed onto the train and say together. It was a tight squeeze but they made it work.

"I am so excited to get away from school. I am tired of all the leassons." Ron said streaching his arms.

"You say that every year Ron." Hermione stated with a giggle.

"Yeah, but it's the truth." Ron said.

Hermione just shook her head and went back reading her book. She was not in the mood for talking . But she could feel some eyes on her. Hermione slowly looked over her book and caught Sirius starring at her. When he realized that she spotted him. Sirius smiled his flirty smirk and looked away. Hermione giggle a lit bit and went back to reading. She kept listening to them talk. Hermone heard Professor Snape's name came up into the conversation.

"Do you think he will come back?" Ginny asked.

"I hope not. That git was a horrible teacher." Ron stated.

"Ron why would you say that. Snape has just a bad past that made him this way. I should know." Lily spatted back.

"What do you think Harry? You would know what is going on with that. Is Snape coming back anytime soon?" Ginny asked.

"I have no idea. They have not told me yet. All I know is that I am still teaching you all and that is that." Harry told the facts.

"You do know that Professor Snape is just to afraid to face his past and to let go of his mistakes. He thinks he does not deserve forgiveness." Hermione piped in.

Everyone faced her. It was like they forgot she was there. It is like that always for Hermione.

"Why would you say that Hermione?" Lily asked.

"Well, since his old best friend is back and not to mention his school bullies are here as well. It is just bring back memories that he had tried to put away that he had not forgiven himself for. Things that should have been forgiven and forgotten awhile ago but he does not want to let go. It's like he thinks remembering is his punishment." Hermione explained.

"Since when did you stick up for Snape Hermione? Mostly since he is the one that is mean to you mostly." Ron asked shocked.

"I know that he had not been the greatest teacher to me but I can see why he is the way he is. Since Lily and the Marauders have been here. I have noticed that I am a lot like Lily and I think Snape has seen it as well. He does what he does to take the pain away." Hermione spoke up.

"So now you are saying that you are going to let him be mean to you and let him call you an insufriable- know-it- all?" Ron asked getting mad.

"No of course not Ronald. You do not understand what I am saying. I am just trying to explain to everyone why he left and why he did what he did." Hermione stated the facts to Ron.

They started to argue even more and Hermione got up and left the compartment. She started to walk do the halls until she heard someone call out,


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