Chapter 26

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"Sirius, he kissed me and I don't know what to do now. From the past and I'm from the future from, we are from two different times." Hermione said.

"I can see where you're coming from. But what do you feel about Sirius?" Tonks asked curiously.

Hermione then know what to say. She just stared at the girls in confusion. As there was silence in the room the boys looked towards each other and looks to serious. Harry gave Sirius a glare her and said,

"What is this about you kissing Hermione?"

"Well, the thing is it just happened." Sirius said.

The boys all glanced toward Harry waiting for response. James look at his son and saw that Harry was cared about his friend. Sirius was afraid to speak up and tell them the truth. George turned to look at Fred and saw the hurt in his eyes. The boys focused on the girls again and listen into the conversation.

"When I supposed to do? I am so confused with my feelings!" Hermione stated confused about her feelings.

Lily looked at her with sorrow. The girls felt bad for her. Lily did not know how it feels to be that confused about love. Even if she did not want to admit it, but she always had James there to show her his love. They heard the door open and saw Hermione's cat come in with something in its mouth. Hermione crooked down to grab the thing in her cat's mouth out and gasped. She get up and walked across to the next room. Tonks, Lily, and Ginny followed, they did not know what was going on. Hermione stormed in and screamed,

"How much did you hear?"

None of the boys said a word. Ginny and the girls came and asked,

"What's wrong?"

"Crookshanks had this in her mouth." Hermione said holding up an extendible ear.

Tonks and Ginny got mad and Lily was confused. She looked from the girls and guys and asked,

"What is that?"

"This is an invention from the twins and this is an extendible ear. An extendible ear is where the one person can hear another person from a far our across the room distance. They can listen into your conversation." Hermione explained to Lily.

Lily looked at the boys in shock. She could not believe it. She was really trusting James. She looked at the Marauders and said,

"I cannot believe you! Mostly you Remus. Listening into someone's conversation like that. I am very disappointed in you."

"Now I am only going to say this once more. What did you hear?" Hermione looked at Fred and George pissed.

When they did not say anything, she turned to Harry and said,

"I can't believe you would join in this Harry. You know I tell you everything and if I don't tell you then I have a reason. You have to trust me on this. If I am right on what you heard, I was going to tell you Harry later tonight." Hermione stated.

She turned to the girls and said,

"Let's get out of here. I have nothing else to say to these boys."

Tonks, Ginny, and Lily nodded in response and left with Hermione. They went down into the living room by the fire place to find Remus, Charlie, and Bill talking on the couch.

Bill elbowed Charlie and pointed to the girls. The three of them got up and walked over to the girls. They sat down right in between them. They looked from each girl and Remus spoke up,

"What's the matter?"

"Well, younger Remus is not what I expected. They were listening into our conversation just a minute ago and I swear I thought Hermione was going to murder them all." Tonks explained.

Bill and Charlie looked from each other to Remus. Remus spoke up and said,

"The boys were listening in one the girls' conversation. They are upset about it."

Bill and Charlie awed with a nodded of understanding. Charlie looked over to Hermione and said,

"Are you alright Hermione?"

"What, oh not really. The conversation that they heard was not suppose be heard by their ears. It was only in between certain people and those certain people are you know about it. Ginny and Tonk's worried about me, so of course I was going to tell them. It was none of the other boys a business!" Hermione explained to Charlie and Bill.

The two boys nodded. They understood, it was learned of this. They heard footsteps coming down the stairs, they all looked to see the guys standing there. Her mind turned away to look back up to the fire. She didn't know the Harry are behind her, he tapped her shoulder and whispered into her ear,

"Can you come with me? We need to talk."

Hermione followed Harry back up to the stairs. They entered Ron's room where Ron was waiting for them. She looked around the room to see is just those two. She sat down on Harry's bed and faced Ron and Harry.

"What is this about?" Hermione asked.

"Ron and I want to apologize for listening and onto your girls' conversation. We should not done that it was not right. We're just concerned, you just kept running upstairs with Tonk's, Ginny, and Lily." Harry try to explain.

Hermione sighed and said,

"I understand where you're coming from and I do accept your apology. But do understand that there's some things I'm not good tell you that I would tell the girls. I love you both like brothers, but I don't know if I feel right tell the stuff."

"What you mean by telling us 'this stuff'?" Ron asked.

"You know things that girls usually talk about."

"What you mean things that girls usually talk about?" Ron asked confused.

"Ron can you be that stupid? You do have a sister and a mother there are some things that you can only talk to other girls about. I'm not in the list them to you because that's just embarrassing." Hermione stated the facts to Ron.

You could tell that Hermione was getting frustrated Ron. He just didn't understand. Harry stepped in and said,

"We get where you're coming from Hermione. But you would tell us something that you think is important for our friendship right?"

"Of course I would. I trust you two with my life, we have been through enough that I can do that for you guys." Hermione said happily.

"Then what is this about Sirius kissing you?" Harry asked concerned.

"Well, the thing is," before Hermione could finish the sentence someone grabbed her arm and said,

"We need to talk!"

Before Harry and Ron could stop the person they charge writing out. My was face-to-face with,

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