Chapter 27

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Hermione was face-to-face with Sirius. She nodded and went with him. Hermione took Sirius to the garden. She sat down on the bench and looked at him. Sirius just stood there, he did not know what to do. He did not know if Hermione would come with him or not. But now that he was alone with her, he did not know what to do.

"You can sit down. I won't bite." Hermione said.

Sirius looked at her and sat down. They sat there in silence looking out to the pond. It was a peaceful day. Hermione smiled at the sight in front of her. She always loved being outside at the Burrow. Sirius watched as the sun hit Hermione's face. She looked beautiful in the shimmery sun. Hermione turned to face him and said,

"Are you going to say anything? I mean you are the one that asked me come with you."

"Yeah, well, I kind of want to talk to you about everything that has happened." Sirius started to say.

"Sirius," Hermione started to talk.

"Let me speak first. I know that this is never going to work out but I just want to be here for you Hermione. I am not going to forget these feelings. I have never felt like this before. I finally understand why James never gave up on Lily. I am meant to be with you but I know that we can't. It's like we are star crossed lovers." Sirius started to say.

Hermione could not believe this. She had the same feelings for Sirius. They were strong but she knew they weren't right. She does love him but it was not mean to be. Hermione took Sirius' hands into hers and said,

"Sirius, I have the same feelings. I want to be there for you as well. We were never meant to be together. I am so confused about this all. I don't know what to do about all of this. This is all so sudden and crazy. I wish I knew before but I didn't. The older you was so caring and loving to me. I can't believe I never saw it and I don't think you knew either."

Hermione got up and kissed him on the cheek and walked away. She whipped away a tear that slipped. Hermione entered the house and saw that everyone was in the kitchen. She knew they were watching them. No one said anything, they let Hermione past and she went up the stairs. Everyone looked to each other. No moved at first until Hermione could hear footsteps following her. She turned around to face Mrs. Weasley.

Hermione gave her a fake smile. Mrs. Weasley walked over to Hermione and just wrapped her arms around her. Hermione started to cry into her shoulder. Molly just held her and took her to her room. Molly swept the room to make sure none of her son's inventions were there to listen in. She closed the door and said,

"Hermione dear, what's the matter? I have never seen you like this."

Hermione whipped away the tears and took a breath in and said,

"I am in love with Sirius Black and I don't know what to do about it."

Molly sat down next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Molly did not know what to say. She has not got this mother daughter time like this with Ginny. She loved her daughter but her daughter acted more like the guys then a girl and it was not her fault. But Molly wanted to help Hermione because she was like a daughter to her.

"Hermione, I know this all must be confusing but you are just going to have to follow your heart. Look deep down and find what you think is right. But I feel that there is more you are not sharing my dear. Am I right?" Molly asked.

Hermione nodded. She has not even told Ginny about this yet but she knew that she need to tell someone. Hermione considered Mrs. Weasley as a mother to her. She was always there for her and let her into her house as one of her own. Hermione felt welcomed and loved there. Hermione turned to face Molly and said,

"There is another that I think has my heart as well but I am not sure. He is a total opposite of me and I don't know if he even notices me like that. He sees me like a sister."

Molly eyes grew wide. She could not believe what she was saying. She was really hoping that she it was not the person she was thinking of.

"Does Ginny know about this? Have you told her about this other man?" Molly asked.

"No, I don't know how to tell Ginny. She is close to this guy as well and I am afraid to tell her because it might ruin our friendship." Hermione admitted.

"Who is this guy that you think you love?" Molly asked hesitantly.

"Well, he is,

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