Chapter 25

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Hermione looked from both of the girls and said,

"I don't know what I feel about Sirius. He is so sweet and caring and now knowing what I know now makes so much sense about everything when he was older. It was so much easier to talk to him and Remus before Harry and Ron about some things. But I am so confused on my feelings because if he is everything I am looking for in a man and is my soulmate. Then I missed out on him a long time ago and I will never find love again."

Both girls looked at Hermione with a sad face on them. They did not like seeing Hermione like this. She was so confused and emotional. Ginny came over to Hermione and gave her a hug. Hermione sighed and said,

"I do have some strong feelings for Sirius but I don't know what to do about it. We cannot be together. I now question if he ever remembers me as me from the future."

"We will never know. But I think that his heart knew and that is why he was way closer to you then the other of us back then." Ginny spoke up.

Hermione smiled at both of the girls and said,

"You both know how everyone calls me the brightest witch of my age. Do you want to know who the first person to say that was?"

They both nodded and Hermione continued by saying,

"Sirius. He said it to me when Harry and I set him free and he was leaving with Buckbeak. He looked at me and said, 'You know that you are the brightest witch of your age.'"

Hermione smiled at that. She believe in herself after that moment. Hermione believed that if a complete stranger could say that she was the brightest witch of her age and he barely even knew her. Then she could do anything she believed in. Sirius was one of her true supporters in her life.

The girls left their room and headed downstairs to find the boys all messing around and talking in the living room. The girls watched from the stairs as Fred and George was dancing around Ron and making fun of him. The girls started to laugh and that caught the boys attention. They all looked at the stair way and you could see Fred and Sirius' face light up when they saw Hermione smiling and laughing.

"Well, at least we made some beautiful ladies smile today Georgey. I would say that is an accomplishment. Don't you think?" Fred said with a smirk.

"I totally agree with you Freddie. This is an accomplishment to make some beautiful ladies laugh today." George agreed.

Hermione smiled and just shook her head and said,

"Well, we take that as a compliment gentlemen. Thank you for entertaining us with that interesting dance." Hermione said dramatically.

The girls came down and found areas to sit down at. Hermione sat right next to Harry on the floor by the fire place. She leaned over to him to whisper something to him. Harry started to laugh and looked from Fred and Sirius. He nodded and whispered something to her.

"What are you two whispering over there? It can't be anything golden trio now is it." Fred spoke up.

Hermione shook her head and giggled. Harry was laughing as well. Hermione smiled and said,

"I was just telling Harry that if I had to pick two people that act alike and it's not him and his father, than it would be you and Sirius Freddie." Hermione said smiling.

George and the others started to laugh and they looked from Fred and Sirius. George patted Fred on the back and said,

"She got a point there Freddie. Remember when Sirius came up to us and said to you that you were a mini him when he was younger."

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