Chapter 34

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The rest of the morning was not that eventful. Hermione went back to the common room to relax. Hermione sat on one of the chairs reading her book listening to the fire crackle in the fire place. She heard the door open to the common room and walked in was Sirius. Hermione smiled to him and he sat right next to her by sliding down into the chair. Hermione started to laugh as he squeezed himself into the small area of the couch.

"What do you think you are? Are you a lap dog?" Hermione asked with a laugh.

"Hahaha, you are very funny." Sirius said poking Hermione.

Hermione relaxed in Sirius' lap. He held her while she read the book. Hermione felt complete for the first time in a while. Sirius did own her heart and that she knew that she loves Sirius and he had the same feelings for her. Sirius gave her a kiss on the forehead. Sirus looked up at Hermione and asked,

"Hermione, do you really care for me?"

"Of course I care for you Sirius. I am," Hermione was about to say.

But everyone came in with lots of noise. Hermione sighed and looked down to Sirius. He was sad that Hermione was going to tell him. He glared at everyone else as they came in. They all starred at Hermione and Sirius. Hermione went back reading and whispered to Sirius,

"You are one of the one's that own my hearts and will only own my heart."

Sirius light up and just wrapped his arms around her waist. Hermione giggled and looked over to the others. Ginny and Lily knew what was going on and they just smirked. The boys looked at them stupid. Hermione just shook her head and continued reading.

"So what's have you been reading Hermione?" Remus asked.

Hermione looked up and said,

"It's how to get you all back. I am so close but I am just confused on one thing."

"What's that babe?" Sirius asked.

The girls giggled at that and the guys were shocked. Hermione just ignored their face expressions and said,

"I am confused on how you got here but I know that you used some type of spell you two used to get all of you here."

The boys looked from each other and then James said,

"That is a good question. I can't really remember what spell we were trying to do. All I remember is you sneezing."

Hermione looked from James and Sirius and said,

"What an idiot! Do you know that if you mess up a spell by the littlest of things it can make big changes to it?"

Hermione got up and headed out of the common room. Everyone else followed her as she headed up to the headmaster's office. She turned around and said,

"You all did not have to follow me."

"Well, we want to see what you are up too babe." Sirius said.

Hermione just shook her head and knocked on the door. There was a faint enter. Hermione came in and saw that Dumbledore was looking at a few book and making them into stacks. He turned around to smile at Hermione and the others.

"Miss Granger I was wondering when you would ask for help."

Hermione looked at him surprised and walked over to the stack of books. She smiled to him and said,

"These are books that I have never seen before. Where did you get them?"

"They are from my personal library my dear. If you would like I can give you access to it to help you with your research." Dumbledore stated.

Hermione light up like a light and said,

"I would love that. Thank you professor."

"These books right here should help for right now. Oh and Miss Granger, I have told Madam Prince and other staff that you have all access to the....

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