Chapter 17

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Harry walked back into his office. He could hear footsteps behind him. There stood the Marauders and Lily standing at the door. They were surprised since he revealed himself. They did not participate in his class lesson but just watched. James was really impressed with his son.

"Does this happen a lot here?" James asked.

"Not really, just other bigger deal things like the school almost shutting down. But this is actually something that barely happens." Harry said with a chuckle.

"Do you ever have a normal school year?" Remus asked.

They heard a laugh and saw that Hermione walked in. She smiled at them and said,

"Us having a normal year, let me think about it?" Hermione paused for a second and laughed, "Nope, can't think of one. How about you Harry or should I say Mr. Lider Util."

Harry smiled and laughed. Hermione was always there when he needed a joke. She knew how to cheer him up. Sirius was staring at Hermione; he thought she was the most beautiful girl ever. Then he remembered the deal he made with James and he still had to ask her out. That scared him out of his mind. He had never felt like this toward a birdy before.

"It is Harry. You can just call me Harry. I just changed my name because of classes and to see if you guys could figure it out. I wanted my teacher name to have meaning and I thought something French. And about school, there is nothing normal about this school and our years of being here." Harry stated.

*Later on that day*

Lily saw Sirius and James talking. She walked up to them and listened in. They were talking about some girl. Lily knew that Sirius was acting different she just did not know why. She had never believed that a girl could change Sirius Black the man whore.

"Who is this girl?" Lily spoke up.

James and Sirius jumped. They did not believe that she was standing there. James looked at Sirius and Sirius just shook his head. James smiled at Lily and moved over to let her sit with them. They sat in silence for a minute and then Lily spoke up,

"Alright, listen to me Sirius Black I can help you. If this is about a girl then James and I are two of the best people to ask. For crying out loud James here never gave up on asking me out."

"Lily is right. I knew that Lily was the one when I first saw her. I know that you are having the same feeling that I have been through." James stated.

Sirius sighed and said,

"Yeah I am. I just don't know how to control these feelings. No birdy had ever made me feel like this." Sirius sounded defeated.

It was true that Sirius was having these strong feeling toward Hermione. She was the first girl that tests him on how he acts and does not take his shit. She knew him in the future and she is changing the past him to a better man.

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