Chapter 14

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Lily was walking down from the girls' dorm room when she heard whispers. She was not sure what was going on. But when she got down in the common room there was no one there and Lily was hesitant to continue on. When she walked into the middle of the room she saw James standing there. Lily knew exactly what was going on. She walked toward James and stood right in front of him. James was really nervous about asking Lily out. Any other time he would be calm and fine but knowing that this might ruin his friendship with her, that really scared him.

"Lily I know that we have become really good friends. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" James asked.

"Yes, I would love to go out with you James." Lily said smiling.

James was shocked that she said yes. All those years of getting turned down and she finally said yes. Lily saw the look on his face and started to laugh. Everyone came down from their dorms and saw James' face. Remus turned to Sirius and said,

"Your turn." That was all he said before walked away from him.

Remus gave James a pat on the back and congratulated him. James came out of his shocked look and had a huge grin on his face. That had to be one of the greatest moments in his life. Lily had finally said yes. James was happy with joy. They all went down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Hermione, Ginny, and Lily were talking about how James asked her. Lily liked that he asked her so causally and it was nothing big like he use to do.

As they walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts class everyone was excited that it was Friday. They hoped that class had something exciting for the day. Mr. Lider Util was at the front of the room. There was no desks in the room, everyone looked around and just stood there. Mr. Lider Util looked at his class and said,

"Today we will be dueling. I am going to be sorting you in partners and we will go from there."

Everyone got sorted into partners. Hermione thought it was strange that she did not sort most of the class. There were a lot of students that were not put into groups; most of them were DA members. Hermione looked at Mr. Lider Util in confusion. Before Hermione could speak Mr. Lider Util spoke up,

"Most of you must be wondering why I did not sort most of the class. The ones that have partners are going to go first and when there is one person last standing from that group the next group will go. Once that group has one person standing, the last two standing will go head to head. Here is the fun part. That winner will get to duel the only person left in the room."

Everyone looked around confused. They did not know who would be the last person in the room if they were all dueling. Hermione got that right away and when someone else asked,

"Professor, how can the winner duel someone else if everyone is dueling?"

"The thing is if you all think really hard. Who will be the last person that has not dueled by the end of the class?" He asked.

"You sir." Hermione said out loud.

Mr. Lider Util smiled and nodded in agreement. Everyone was grinning. This was going to be a great class. Hermione looked at the first group to see if she can guess to see who will be the last one standing. Mr. Lider Util started the duels. Everyone was trying their best. There was spell flying everywhere. By half way through the class the first group was done and they had a winner. The winner was Sirius Black.

The next group went and Hermione started off with Remus Lupin. They dueled and Remus was quite good if Hermione said so herself. But Hermione won that duel. By the end of the class Hermione was the winner of duels. Everyone whined when it was the end of the class. They were starting to head to get their things but Mr. Lider Util spoke up,

"What do you all think you are doing?"

"Mr. Lider it is the end of class." Lily stated.

"I know but here is the thing. I got permission from Dumbledore that we have an extended time so that we can finish these duels." Mr. Lider Util said with a grin.

Everyone through their stuff down and made a circle around Sirius and Hermione. Sirius came up to Hermione and shook her hand and said,

"I will try to go easy on you sweetie tweetie."

"Okay, but I'm not." Hermione said with an evil grin.

Mr. Lider Util told them to start. Hermione started to tease Sirius with easy spells. They both just were going easy on each other. Ron then screamed,

"Quit teasing him Hermione!"

Hermione smiled toward Ron. She noticed that there were more people in the room. There were students from different class and years and teachers there watching. Hermione then put everything in it that she had. Sirius was off guard at first. He could only block them and was not able to cast his own spell. Once he got back into the grove he was shooting spells at Hermione. It was a heated match. But at the end Hermione had the upper hand and disarmed Sirius. Sirius was shocked and he could not believe he just got beaten by a girl. Sirius went to stand by his friends and Mr. Lider Util took his spot. He turned to Hermione and said,

"Don't hold back my dear."

Hermione nodded in agreement and they went off. Spells were flying left to right. Hermione thought he was a really good, but there was something about him she felt familiar to. That duel went on for a while. Hermione felt like she could not go on anymore. That was when Mr. Lider Util disarmed her. Hermione smiled toward her teacher. He returned the smile and said,

"You are an excellent dueler Miss Granger. I'm proud of your growth." He said with a wink.

"Very good to all of you and I am proud of every one of you. You have grown since the beginning. Just remember that everyone has those times of lose and you can learn from those. Every great witch and wizard started here in the same spot as you. They had to learn the same thing and they took those lose to help them become better." Mr. Lider Util said before dismissing the class.

Hermione thought all that was familiar and she had heard something like that before. It's like she could hear Harry's voice saying that. When he said that he was proud of her growth, it was like he had help her and seen her grow in a way, Hermione thought to herself. She was just staring at Mr. Lider Util until Ron came over and said,

"Are you coming?"

Hermione nodded and headed out the door. Then she stopped for a second. She had figured it all out. She knew exactly who Mr. Lider Util was.

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