Chapter 33

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The three looked over their shoulder to see Lily and the Marauders. They walked down and sat with Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

"Well, it is going to be tricky but I think I can figure it out." Hermione stated.

"You think? Yeah right. You know that you can figure it out." Ron stated with a grin.

Hermione smiled to him and she looked over to Harry. Harry came over to Hermione and sat right next to her. He whispered to her and Hermione started to laugh. Everyone else in the room looked at her confused. Harry and Hermione laughed even harder.

"Wait do my eyes for see me?" George asked looking at Hermione.

"Is Hermione Granger laughing?" Fred asked the second question.

Hermione shook her head and said,

"Yes, how is your parents and the house?"

"They are alright. Mum is going down the Ministry's back about getting the house how she wants it. So far she is winning this argument." Fred said squeezing in between Harry and Hermione.

Hermione looked over to Harry as he got up because he was going to fall off the couch if he didn't. Hermoine just shook her head and mouthed,

'Told you so.'

Harry started to laugh at that. Fred looked at Hermione and asked,

"What did you just mouth to him?"

"Nothing. Don't worry Freddie my dear." Hermione said with a snicker.

"Well, Hermione you are a minx." Sirius spoke up.

"You have no idea dude. You should have seen her last year when she was breaking all the rules and convinced Harry to make an illegal group to teach the students how to protect their self and the Ministry thought it was an underground army that Dumbledore was forming." Fred explained.

The Marauders and Lily looked at Hermione shock. Hermione just shrugged her shoulders and went back to reading.

"What about Hermione risking her life to find an answer when their was a huge basalisk snake loose?" Ron asked.

"Or when she risk her life to save a friend from a dangerous creature and then went back to help Harry save someone else that was effect by that." George asked.

Hermione looked up and sighed. She had a frown at that. Sirius and Lily noticed that and Lily asked,

"What is it Hermione? Who were the two people? You can tell us. You promised that you would not hide anything about your guys life here even if it's about us."

"Alright. It was Sirius that we were saving and the creature that attacked was a werewolf. It was," Hermione paused and took a breath and said,

"It was Remus. But everything turned out alright Remus. It was more poor you. You were attacked by a hippogriff as a werewolf. But Harry and I used my time turner to save Sirius from his fate."

Everyone looked from Sirius and Remus. Remus was shocked and did not know what to say. Hermione got up from between Sirius and Fred. She wrapped her arms around her and gave him a hug.

"You are a better person now that you have accepted who you are. Your girlfriend Tonks is great with your condition. But ever since I meet you I only see a guy that is brave and caring. Nothing more nothing less." Hermione said smiled.

"Thank you Hermione. You have no idea how much that means to me. That my life has so many great people to surround it." Remus said looking at Hermione.

Hermione nodded and then sat back down where she was before. That night they just talked about everything and anything. Hermione, Harry, Ron and the twins told them stories about what happened at Hogwarts and about their life.

Hermione woke up squished in between two people. Hermione moved to look around. She smiled at the sight. Hermione was looking at all her friends asleep in the common room. Harry, George, and Ron has each a spot on the floor. Then on the chairs was Remus in one and Lily and James in the other. Hermione looked to both side and saw Sirius and Fred on each side.

Hermione looked up and saw Mrs. Weasley smiling at her. Hermione said in a low voice,

"Morning Mrs. Weasley."

"Morning dear. Do you need some help there?" She asked.

Hermione nodded and Mrs. Weasley came over to help her up. They snickered and looked at Fred and Sirius. Hermione walked down to the Great Hall with Mrs. Weasley.

"They both really care for you." Mrs. Weasely said.

"Yeah, I know. I never thought I could really care for two guys like the way I do for Fred and Sirius. To be honest it's like I had a great, I don't know what you would call me and Sirius. But what ever it was I am glad that I get to spend time with him as an adult and as a teen. It's like fate is gave me a gift and now he is granting me another one with Fred. If that makes any sense." Hermione tried to explain.

"I get where you are coming from. Fate is giving you a second chance at love and no one could ask for anything better then that. Like I can see it in both Fred and Sirius. It's like they have this unspoken agreement between each other. I don't know if you seen it or not." Molly asked.

"I do know what you are talking about. It's like Fred is giving me my time with Sirius and I can see it in Fred's eyes that he knows that their will always be a place in my heart for both men. I don't know if it's love with Fred yet but I know that I do love Sirius and I actually think I am in love with Fred. But please don't tell them both yet. I don't need their egos growing even more." Hermione said with a laugh.

"Your secret is safe with me dear. I am glad that we could have this talk. You're like another daughter to me. It makes me so happy that you can come and talk to me about this stuff." Molly said wipping a few tears away.

Hermione got up from where she was sitting in the Great Hall and walked over to Molly and gave her a hug. Hermione whispered and said,

"Mrs. Weasley, you are like a second mother to me and I could not ask for anyone better to have in my life to come to. I know that I can always call the Burrow home for any reason. I am so happy too that we get to have these conversations. That our connection is so strong that I think of you in such high regards." Hermione said wipping a few tears away.

"Well what did we miss here?" A voice asked.

Molly and Hermione looked to see Fred and the others walking in. Hermione smiled to them when she saw Fred and Sirius walking in right next to each other. Hermione turned to Molly and smiled. Molly was so glad to see Hermione smile like that. Hermione deserved to find love and have it for a long time.

"Well, what did we miss? We have two women hugging and in tears." George asking sitting down across from Hermione and Molly.

Hermione laughed and moved over for Fred to sit by her and his mother. Once again Hermione was in between Fred and Sirius. She was getting use to this seating arrangement.

"Well, are those happy or sad tears?" Harry asked concerned.

Hermione smiled to him and said,

"These are happy tears. It's just your mom and I have got to have a great talk that I think just made us much closer." Hermione said smiling to Molly.

"Umm..." Hermione started to stutter.

Hermione looked over to Molly and said,

"That is between me and Hermione my dears."

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