Chapter 23

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Hermione turned around to face Sirius. He was trying to catch up to her. When they were face to face. Hermione gave him a shy smile. She has not been alone with Sirius since the incident. Hermione thought if she tried to avoid it then nothing would happen. But she was wrong. Since the incident her feelings for Sirius has grown but she knew that nothing could happen.

"Sirius," Hermione started.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I am alright. Whenever Ron and I get into an argument I just need to get away from him for a while so that I can calm down. He just knows how to get under my skin and push my buttons." Hermione stated.

"Then why are you friends with him?" Sirius asked confused. He did not understand Ron's and her friendship.

"I don't know. But he is one of my best friends. I would not change anything that we have been through for anything. Even if there are a few arguments here or there. We may not see eye to eye but he is always there for me." Hermione said smiling.

"Oh, but you still don't have to deal with an idiot like that." Sirius said leading her to an empty compartment to talk.

"I know. He is sometimes difficult to understand. But he does care for his friends still. It's always been us three. The 'golden trio' like everyone calls us. We have been friends since first year and we have been through so much that I would not believe if I was not involved." Hermione said.

Sirius listened to Hermione explain about her friendship with Harry and Ron. He could not believe that they have been through so much and there is still so much to happen in the future. Sirius listened to her tell him stories about their adventures.

"But my favorite moment during my third year was seeing Harry eyes light up with delight when he found out that you were an innocent man and found out that you wanted to take him away from his horrible aunt and uncle. But I guess fate had another idea. I guess everything happens for a reason." Hermione shared.

Sirius smiled at her. He thought she was amazing and how she cared for her friends was something that made him love her more. Hermione turned to face Sirius and she saw his goofy smile. She smiled back and said,


"Nothing. It's just interesting hearing you tell me stories. I think it's wonderful how much you care for people and you would do anything for your friends. It reminds me of Remus, James and I. We are kind of like you three. I don't know." Sirius started to ramble on.

Hermione giggled at Sirius. He was such a goof around her. She could tell that he was a little nervous when she was talking to her. She did not realize that she could make a guy nervous like that. She knows some peers or older students were intimidated by her. But she would never have thought a guy like him would like a girl like herself.

Sirius did not realize that Hermione was watching him while he was looking out of the window. He turned around and was face to face with her. Their faces were close to each other, their nose were touching. Sirius moved closer to her to close up the gap. Hermione leaned in as well and said,

"I don't know about," Before she could finish that sentence Sirius leaned in and......

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