Chapter 20

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As they entered the Great Hall with the rest of the school James waked up to Sirius and asked,

"What is your problem?"

"Nothing. How did the prank go?" Sirius asked.

After he walked out on them, he regretted. But Sirius knew that he was not welcomed back. One of the rules of Marauders was if you walk out on a prank you do not get to come back and participate in said prank. Sirius put his feelings for Hermione first instead of the Marauders. Sirius felt like a fool. He did not want to admit it to James or anyone for that fact.

"It went well. But it was not the same without you. Harry did amazing. He took on two tables by himself. One of them was the teachers. You would have been proud of him to be your godson. I know I was." James said.

They sat in quietness for a while until one of the Slytherins started to scream. Then another one screamed for Hufflepuff. Everyone's hairs and skin started to change colors. The teachers had pink hair with purple skin. For Slytherins they got red skin and gold hair, Hufflepuff hair changed an ugly baby green vomit color and their skin changed to burnt orange, Ravenclaws' hair changed bright periwinkle and their skin turned maroon, and last but not least the Gryffindors hair changed a pumpkin color and their skin turned tomato red.

Some of the students were laughing but you could see the teachers were not happy. But you could see a smile on Headmaster Dumbledore's face. By the end of dinner everyone was not colorful anymore. Some took longer because they drank more of the pumpkin juice. It was funny to see most of the Slytherins were still red and gold.

Sirius had avoided Remus all of dinner. But that did not last long. Once he headed up to his dorm room there was Remus waiting for him. Sirius tried to leave but James was guarding the door with Harry.

"You are not leaving until we work things out. What is the matter mate?" James stated.

"Nothing! Now will you let me out?" Sirius asked.

"No. There is something wrong. You would never leave a prank and you are never mad at Remus like this. What is the matter?" James stated.

"Sirius what was it that I did? You have been giving me a cold shoulder ever since the beginning of dinner." Remus asked confused.

"Why not go ask your new birdy Hermione!" Sirius spatted toward Remus.

"What are you talking about? Hermione is not my birdy." Remus said confused.

"I saw you in the library with her. You were very close if I may say so myself. Then she kissed you and you did not stop her." Sirius said now upset. It hurt him knowing that Hermione might have liked Remus more than him.

"You saw us in the library. I was just helping her with a problem. She needs someone to listen to her. And that kiss was nothing. She was just greatful to have someone there to help with everything that is going on with her." Remus reassured his best friend. "I would not do anything to jeopardize my friendship with you and I know that you like her."

"So nothing was going on romantically with you two?" Sirius asked.

"No. I was there helping her with a personal problem that the other us knows about and is helping her with." Remus said.

"Is Hermione alright? And when did you start liking her?" Harry asked.

Everyone forgot that Harry was guarding the door. But he was now by Sirius. You could see the concern in his eyes. Harry did care for Hermione. She was like a sister to him.

"I don't know if I should be the one to tell you, but she is having these horrible nightmares. She does not get a lot of sleep because of them." Remus told Harry.

Harry then turned to face Sirius. Sirius then sighed and said,

"Yes, I like Hermione Granger. There I said it."

Right then the door swung open and Hermione was standing there with Lily. Both girls stared at Sirius and Harry. Sirius was in shock and did not know what to say. Hermione turned around and ran down the stairs. She did not know what to say about any of it. She trusted Remus with her secret and now Harry knew and she now knows that Sirius Black likes her. Hermione did not know what to do. She just ran out of the common room and ran to the giant tree by the lake.

Everyone in the room looked at each other in shock. Remus now felt bad for telling Harry about Hermione's secret. Sirius still was not saying a word. He could only think about Hermione's face. She looked shocked and upset. He did not know what feeling was for what response. No one said a word. They just stood there. No one was moving their spot. Sirius just stared at the spot where Hermione was at. He felt pain in his chest but he did not know what that pain was for. Could this be pain for Hermione? Could he really be falling for a future birdy? Sirius had those questions floating through his head.

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