Chapter 24

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Sirius leaned in and kissed her. Hermione kissed Sirius back. She thought Sirius lips were so soft against hers. Hermione gasped, she did not know what to do. Sirius leaned back and looked at her. He could not believe it himself that he did that. Hermione looked at Sirius and said,

"Sirius," Before she could finish that sentence the doors swung open and there stood Ginny and James. They looked from each other to Hermione and Sirius. Ginny saw Hermione's face go a little red. She gave her the look of you better explain later.

"What's going on here?" James asked.

"Nothing. We were just sitting here talking. Right Hermione?" Sirius said looking toward Hermione.

"What, right. We were just talking. Thanks Sirius for keeping me company while I cooled down." Hermione said getting up and leave the compartment grabbing Ginny's arm.

James eye brow raised at his best friend. He knew something happened here and he knew that his best friend was not happy. Sirius sighed and got up and left with James.

"So, buddy are you going to tell me what happened?" James asked put am arm around Sirius' shoulder.

"I kissed Hermione and she kissed me back." Sirius said. He still could not believe it himself.

"That's great buddy. Isn't it?" James asked confused.

"No it's not. She was going to say something to me before you guys interrupted. I don't think she was going to tell me anything good." Sirius said sighing.

They got back to the compartment, Sirius turned to James and stopped him.

"You cannot tell anyone else what I told you. No one else must know. Do you understand James?" Sirius said seriously.

"I swear I will not tell anyone." James said with his right hand up in oath.

They went back in and Sirius saw Hermione was already there sitting right in between of her two best friends. She was reading her book again and Harry was whispering something to her. Hermione would put her book down here and there to say something back. Ron was listening as well. It was interesting how those three are so secretive about almost everything.

"What are you three whispering about?" Sirius asked plopping down right in front of Hermione.

Hermione looked up to him and said,

"It is important golden trio business."

"Which means that it is something to do with information that no one knows but those three and they are not going to squeal." Ginny said nonchalantly.

"But how is that fair. We are all friends here. Shouldn't you tell us all? We could help." Sirius said trying to weasel it out of them. He hated not knowing secrets.

Harry looked from Ron and both boys looked to Hermione. Hermione closed her book and put it onto her lap. You could hear Neville and some of the other's snickering about it. It seems like they really don't care if those three share what they are whispering or not sharing.

"I am only going to explain this once Sirius. I hope that you wil listen closely to what I am going to say." Hermione started to say.

"I always listen to your sweet angel like voice Hermione." Sirius said with a wink.

Hermione huffed and continued ignoring his last remark.

"Everyone here understands that Harry, Ron, and I have some things that we do not share with others because it deals with thing that is out of their thought or idea. Yes, they are well aware that that we keep things from them but they know that it is important and that it only deals with us. If we have something to share with any of you we would tell you. But if it deals with us three we will not share. Like you said to me earlier. We are just like you Marauders. You have your secrets that you do not tell anyone else. So I would think that you would understand that and leave it alone. Thank you very much." Hermione finished and went back to her book.

Sirius did not know what to say. Harry had a smirk on his face that could say that he was proud of Hermione. She knew exactly what to say to them. Ron was snickering at Sirius' face.

"Well, now that is over. Look we are here." Ginny said getting up.

Everyone left the compartment and headed off to their parents. They all said their fair wells and a happy holidays. Ginny lead everyone else to the Weasley bunch. They were not hard to miss. Miss Weasley smiled to everyone and gave them all big hugs. She looked over to the Marauders and Lily. Mrs. Weasley smiled to them and said,

"Welcome, now we are going to be apperating to the Borrow. So everyone partner up."

Everyone was partnered up excepted for Hermione she looked from the Weasleys and heard a voice say,

"I guess I am your partner Mione."

Hermione turned around to see Fred standing there. She smiled toward him. He extended his hand with a bow. Hermione laughed at him about it jokester ways. She took his hand and they left.

Right when they landed you could see the tall house of the Borrow. Hermione thought of it as a second home away from home. She looked over and saw the Marauders and Lily with an awed look.

"It's not perfect but it's home." Fred said passing them.

They looked at him and Hermione. Hermione just shook her head. She leaned into them and said,

"It is perfect. Just in its own way. Come on, don't want to stand out in the cold do you."

She started toward the house with the others following her. They entered the house and everyone was already making their selves at home. Hermione skipped off to the living room and sat right down in one of her favorite chairs. She opened her book up and started to read it.

"Hermione already reading. Not even a minute into the house and she already has her book out and everything." Charlie said sitting down right next to her on the arm of the chair.

Hermione looked up and smile at him. She liked Charlie. He was a good man and someone good to talk to. Bill and Charlie were two of the only people that she could talk to about things she like to talk about. She smiled to Bill as he walked in and sat on the other arm of the chair.

"Now how is this fair? Why do little Hermione get cornered by Weasley boys when she first gets home?" Mr. Weasley asked coming into the living room.

"Well, father it's because Miss Granger here is part of the family that none of us gets to see a lot. So we much corner her to torture her." George said coming up from behind her.

"Leave my best friend alone. Anyways Lily and I need her right now boys." Ginny said grabbing Hermione's arm and dragging her up the stairs to her room Hermione noticed that there was another bed added to the room for Lily. They all sat down and looked at Hermione.

"What was that for? But thank you for saving me. I love your bothers a lot but it's not fun when they tag team me like that." Hermione said smiling.

"You need to tell us right now what happened in the compartment with Sirius." Ginny said straight up front.

Hermione sighed and said,

"At first nothing. We were just talking but then we kissed."

Lily and Ginny gasped and looked at each other in with surprised looks. They did not know what to say about that. They both know that Sirius likes Hermione and Hermione had some feelings for him but they did not expect this.

"What happened after that?" Lily asked.

"Ginny and James interrupted before I could talk to him about it. But now I don't know what to do." Hermione said falling backwards onto her bed.

"Do you like Sirius in that way?" Lily asked.

Hermione looked from both of the girls and said,

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