Chapter 19

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Hermione was wondering the library. She knew that she could get some time to calm down and relax there. Harry and Ron barely came into the library unless Hermione made them and that was rarely. Hermione was enjoying the silence. She had a free period from her busy school day and she was going to relax in the library.

Hermione turned the corner and bumped into a something big. When she looked up from the ground there stood younger Remus. He hurried to help her up. She excepted his hand and said,

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"First off, sorry about that. Secondly, I like to come to the library. This is where I can be more me without Sirius and James." Remus said. Hermione looked at him confused. She always knew that Remus was the nerd of the Marauders but was he tired of his friends. "Trust me, I love being friends with those two but sometimes I just need to have a place where I can be my nerdy self for a while."

Hermione nodded in agreement. She could relate to that. Harry and Ron are her best friends but she need to escape sometimes away from them to remind herself of who she is. Remus helped Hermione carry her books to a table in the back of the room. They sat down and started to read silently. All you heard were the pages of the book turning.

Remus looked up and glanced at Hermione. He notices that she had dark bags under her eyes. She was also was yawning here and there. But she tried to hide it. Remus cleared his throat to get her attention. Hermione looked up from her book to look at him.

"Hermione is everything alright?" Remus asked concerned.

"Yeah, why would you ask?" Hermione asked confused.

"I have noticed that you have bags under your eyes and that you have been yawning, even though you are trying to hide it from everyone. Are you sleeping alright?" Remus stated the facts.

Hermione sighed and said,

"No. I never get enough sleep anymore. I have these horrible nightmares sometimes." Hermione admitted.

"Have you tried Dreamless potion?" Remus asked more concerned now.

"Yes, I have. But it does not work that well anymore." Hermione said.

"How long have these dreams been happening? Does anyone else know about them?" Remus asked.

"They have been happening for two years now. Ever since my fourth year but I think I have always had nightmares since I started school but they were that bad until two years ago. The only people that know is Ginny, older you and the older Sirius." Hermione admitted.

Remus did not say anything for a while. He wanted to help her. She should not be having these nightmares at this age. Hermione reminded him of Sirius in away. He had nightmares that affected him but he does not take dreamless potion anymore because he sees no use for it.

"I think I know what you are thinking about." Hermione said.

"What's that?" Remus asked curiously.

"You are thinking about Sirius and how he gets nightmares also. He does not take the dreamless potion anymore in my time. Instead he started to drink to put the nightmares away. That is my theory at least. I never got to ask him." Hermione admitted.

Remus and Hermione did not know that they were being watched. Sirius walked by the library looking for Hermione and saw her with Remus. He knew that he should not be jealousy of Remus. But watching Remus make Hermione laugh and him holding her hands, he thought that should be him doing that. He should be the one that made her laugh her beautiful laugh and he should be the one holding those small soft hands.

Sirius hid when he was them coming out from the library. Sirius hid in the dark part of the hall so that he could still hear what they were saying. Hermione faced Remus and said,

"Thanks for the advice and cheering me up."

Remus smiled back at her. Hermione gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. That made Sirius two shades of piss. He thought he could trust his best friend. Remus knew that Sirius like Hermione. Sirius waited until they both were gone before coming out from the shadows.

He stalked off to the Great Hall for dinner. But before he could enter the Great Hall James grabbed him and pulled him around the corner. There stood Harry, James, and Remus. Sirius did not want to be around Remus right now.

"We are going to set the prank. You are paired with Moony to put this into the Slytherins' and Hufflepuff's food. Little Prongs and I got the teachers and Ravenclaws' table. Then we will meet up to do the Gryffindor's table together." James explained the plan to Sirius.

"No, I am not working with him." Sirius spatted and walked away.

James and Harry looked from where Sirius left and turned to Remus confused. Remus was as confused as they were. But they had to put that aside for the plans sake. Harry was going to the teacher and Hufflepuff's while James and Remus does the other houses and then meets up at Gryffindor's. They now had to get the house elf's help in this plan. But they knew that they would help.

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