Chapter 9

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Hermione woke up in the common room. She then sighed and tried to get up but there was something that was holding her down. Hermione felt two strong arms wrapped around her. She looked at who could be with her and there was Sirius Black sound asleep with is arms wrapped around her. Hermione sighed and just laid back down knowing that she was not going anywhere any time soon. Hermione lay back down and she fell back to sleep.

Hermione heard giggles and someone stirring under her. She opened her eyes to face Sirius staring at Hermione. They heard whispering and giggles, Hermione look for where the noise was coming from. There stood Ginny and Lily staring at them. Hermione shot up from the couch. Sirius just sat there casually.

"What is going on here?" Lily asked.

"Nothing. We just fell asleep. That's all." Hermione said.

Hermione headed up to her room to change. She did not know what to say about what happened. Hermione got this warming feeling when she was with Sirius. Once she left his arms there was a tingling feeling. Hermione looked over and saw that Lily and Ginny was standing the door way of their dorm room. Hermione sighed and said,


"Is everything alright?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it?" Hermione lied.

Hermione did not know if she was alright or not. Being around Sirius just made her confusing. She never felt anything like it before. Lily saw the look in her eyes and she knew what Hermione was feeling. Lily sighed and said,

"I know what you are feeling."

Hermione looked toward Lily in confusion. Lily then continued,

"You don't know if you should trust your feelings. I can see it in your eyes. I know this is different with the past and future thing but you have this feeling that you don't know how to explain."

Ginny looked confused and knew that Sirius could be the same way. She could see it when Hermione enters the room. As they entered the Great Hall for breakfast the school was quiet and everyone waited for any news on a new teacher for DADA. Everyone enjoyed having the day off but they were all anticipating on knowing if they have a new teacher or not.

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