Chapter 12

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Ginny looked toward Hermione for answers. Hermione was as shocked as Ginny was. They both did not know what to say. Harry and the others were confused what was going on. Harry looked at Ginny and asked,

"What are they talking about Gins?"

"Well here is the thing. There is something that you don't know that I haven't shared." Ginny said.

"What is it?" Harry asked concerned.

"Last year I went back to the past. I went twenty years in the past into 1798, when the Marauders and Lily were in their fifth year. I stayed there for almost a whole year. Don't you wonder who Claws is Harry? Don't you wonder who the only Marauders girl was?" Ginny asked.

No one said a word. Everyone was staring at Ginny. They could not believe what she was saying. Ginny sighed and continued,

"I am Claws. I am the fifth Marauder, the only girl that was accepted as a Marauder. When I came back from the past I swear that I would not tell anyone. Hermione is the only one that knew. The only reason she knew was because she figured it out. I changed all their memories. Not even Dumbledore remembers. He only knows that there was a transfer from home school that came for a year and then left. I was known as Ginny Granger."

"I can't believe you didn't tell us. We would have not gotten mad at you Gins." Harry said walking to her.

"I was scared. I thought you would have been mad that I did not save them Harry. I got to know your parents and I could have saved the all. I thought you would hate me." Ginny said tearing up.

Harry sat down by Ginny and gave her a hug. Everyone just sat there in silence. Harry was just trying to calm Ginny down. Lily spoke up finally,

"We all understand why you did what you did Gins. You did it to not change the future."

"Medaling with time is very tricky. You did not know what would happen if you did change the past more than you already did." Hermione said.

Everyone nodded in agreement. The Marauders walked over to Ginny and James said,

"We are just happy to have our Claws back with us. We missed you fallen angel." James smiled when he called her his fallen angel.

They always joked about her being their fallen angel. They always thought Ginny was a gift from haven. She was the one that got James and Lily on good friend terms and got Remus to trust people more. She even changed Sirius' dating habits.

The rest of the day went by peaceful. The Marauders and Ginny were reunited and they were planning pranks like old times, while Hermione and Lily were doing their homework in the corner of the common room. Hermione could feel eyes glancing at her. She would look up once in a while and see Sirius sneaking a peak at her. Every time she caught him staring he would put on his flirty grin at her; that always made Hermione giggle a little bit.

Everyone was noticing how Sirius was acting different and the Marauders were going to ask him about it. They all sat down by the fire planning pranks. Harry and Ron joined them. They all were just goofing off when James asked,

"So Pads, what got you so distracted lately?"

"Nothing has gotten me distracted." Sirius said glancing toward where Hermione was working.

Remus and Ginny looked to see that he was staring at Hermione and they know what was going on. Ginny already know from the talk she had with Hermione before. But Remus just figured it out right there. Remus grinned and said,

"Someone is crushing on a little birdy?"

James grin went huge when he caught what Remus was saying. They all looked toward Hermione and James started to laugh. He finally got to tease Sirius about crushing on someone like he did to him.

"Oh this is too good!" James stated laughing.

"What? No I don't have a crush on a birdy." Sirius stated quickly.

Ginny gave him a look that said yeah right. She then looked toward Harry and Ron. They could not believe that Sirius was crushing on their Hermione. Hermione was like a sister to Harry and he would do anything to protect her.

"You do know that her two best guy friends are sitting right here. They are like her other half. If you wanted to know more about Hermione you could go to them." Ginny stated looked toward Ron and Harry.

Hermione saw that Ginny and the others were talking to Sirius and she wondered what about. It could not be about her could it, she thought to herself. Lily saw that she was staring at Sirius now. Lily knew something was going on between those too. Actually everyone knew besides those two.

"You know Hermione, he likes you too." Lily stated looking back from the group of friends.

"I know." Was all Hermione said.

"If you already know, then why don't you tell him?" Lily asked.

"I can't. I just can't Lily." Hermione said sadly.

"Why not?" Lily asked her friend.

"I from the future. He's from the past. It would never work out. In my time he is already dead. I can't let anything happen between us." Hermione explained to Lily.

"I see were you are coming from. You don't want to break your heart. I sometimes feel the same way." Lily said glancing to James.

"But you know that he would never break your heart. He really loves you Lily." Hermione said know who she was talking about.

"I know. But ever since Severus, I have kept my heart guarded from that. Plus since day one I hated him for teasing Severus but now that we are not friends I don't know. I guess I am just scared that I am going to get hurt again." Lily explained.

"Lily he would never hurt you. He loves you too much."

"You know what, you are right. Next time he asks me out I'm going to say yes." Lily stated.

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