Chapter 35

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"These books right here should help for right now. Oh and Miss Granger, I have told Madam Prince and other staff that you have all access to the restricted section of the library." Dumbledore explained.

Hermione nodded and then said,

"I learned something about their jump that we did not know before."

"What would that be?" He asked.

"Well, Sirius here sneezed when he casted the spell that made him jump. So if I figure out the spell and the movement in progress that made it happen. Then I could figure out how to send them back." Hermione explained.

Dumbledore nodded and excused everyone from his office. Hermione started to walk down to the library to start some new theories on how to get them back to their time. Harry followed Hermione and said,

"So you and Sirius?"

"What? Oh yeah. Is it alright with you?" Hermione asked.

"Hermione, if it makes you happy then I am happy. I always thought there was some type of connections between you two." Harry explained.

Hermione smiled and walked right to the back. She opened up to the restricted section and looked to Harry. He nodded and walked in with her. They looked around and did not know what to say or do.

"Where do we start?" Harry asked.

"I have no idea. Let's look around but don't touch anything without each other there. Deal?" Hermione asked.

"Deal." Harry stated.

They started to look around. Harry and Hermione was almost through the first section when they heard their names being called. They turned to see Ron standing there. He had hand full of snacks for his two best friends.

Sirius walked down the hall to clear his thoughts. He heard footsteps. Sirius quickly turned around to see Fred standing there. Sirius was confused. Fred smiled and asked,

"Can we talk?"

Sirius nodded and they walked to the room of requirement. Sirius sat down in an arm chair with Fred sitting across from him. They looked at each other in silence. Sirius figured out on the way to the room of requirements that Fred wanted to talk about Hermione.

"So what's up? What are you doing at Hogwarts?" Sirius asked.

"I wanted to talk before I talked to a certain witch that has captured both of our hearts." Fred said straight forward.

Sirius nodded and said,

"I know that you are concern for Hermione and that you have feeling s for her. Does she know how you feel?"

"No, but I know that we have a connection and I just want to talk to someone who else has that same connection." Fred admitted.

"Alright. How do you feel about mine and Hermione's relationship?" Sirius asked.

"I am alright with it. I think it's good for her." Fred admitted.

Sirius thought that was good but there was one question that was bothering him that he needed to know.

"Are you going to come between us?"

Fred looked at Sirius with a raised eyebrow. He thought about the right answer and then said,

"You need to know that I have liked Hermione since fourth year. She is amazing and brilliant. I can see that Hermione cares for you and I would never come between you two. She gets a second chance with you that she did not get in the first place. I know that I will get my chance in the future. I just wants to make sure that we have an understanding on both of our roles in Hermione's life and heart."

"Fred, I thank you for that and I know that Hermione has feeling for you too. We both love her and I know once I go back to my time that Hermione is in good hands. I know that you will love and take care of her for me. We will not fight over Hermione. We both understand that we both have a part of her heart and there is no need to fight for it." Sirius explained.

After that talk Sirius and Fred walked into the library together to find the one that they care about. They knew where she was. They walked past Madam Prince and headed to the restricted section to find the golden trio. Hermione sat with a stack of books on the table near her. Ron and Harry were bring her books or writing on a notebook looking at shelves. Hermione looked up and could not believe what she saw. Fred and Sirius smiling at her. She smiled back and asked,

"What do I have the honor to have you two gentlemen here?"

"We thought we would see how our favorite witch is doing. Don't tell Ginny that we called you our favorite." Sirius said with a laughing smirk.

Hermione smirked and went back to her books. The two boys sat down across from her and Hermione looked up and said,

"I have been seeing so much that is so much interesting things in these books. No one will ever believe me on what are in these books."

Sirius tried to look in one of the books but Hermione slapped his hand. Fred started to laugh and grabbed and book but Hermione slapped his hand too. Sirius laughed at that. Fred made a pouting face to Hermione. Hermione just shook her head and went back to work. The boys stayed quiet and watched her work. Harry and Ron went back to doing their own thing and left the three alone.

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