Chapter 5

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Classes started the next day. Lily was excited to start classes to keep her distracted. Everyone was heading down to breakfast. Hermione and Lily was still getting ready in their dorm room, Hermione could see that Lily was distracted about something. Ever since they have told the Marauders and Lily about their life here she has been distracted.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked.

"What? Sorry I was in la la land." Lily said.

"Are you alright Lily?" Hermione asked concerned.

"I don't know. It's just all of this is very over whelming. I am just scared to face Severus Snape. I mean the older Severus Snape." Lily admitted.

Hermione came over to Lily and rubbed her back and told her,

"I know that you wish to change things but it would not be a good idea. You could create a Paradox." Hermione stated. "For the Snape situation, just stay calm. You will be alright; I have potions with you so you can lean on me for anything." Hermione reassured her.

Lily smiled and thanked Hermione. She was so luck that she had Hermione and her friends to help her out with all of this. Lily had noticed that the Marauders were not acting different from their personality. For Lily it was that she was in a different land. She was not use to it.

The girls got to the Great Hall and saw that the boys were laughing and having a good time. Lily smiled at the boys. When she ever saw Harry and James together it just made her smile. Everyone said to Harry and James that they looked like twins.

Hermione and Lily sat down across form Harry and James. The boys were whispering to each and that made Lily a little suspicious. It never meant good when they started to whisper about anything. Hermione eyed Lily and Lily said,

"Hermione, you know that if he did ask I may say yes."

"Oh really? What made you change your mind? I know we talked about it last night." Hermione said eyeing the boys.

"Oh you know. The way he talks is really sexy and how he is around me." Lily started.

"I know what you mean. Remember what I said about the other one. I just can't get him out of my thoughts. It is really hard to considerate when he is around." Hermione started.

The boys were staring at Hermione and Lily. James and Sirius were grinning by what they were hearing. Hermione faced the boys and started to laugh. Lily could not stop laughing. That got the attention of most of the Gryffindor table. Ginny came in and asked,

"Why do the boys look so shocked and you two are in tears laughing?"

"Well, the boys were whispering and we thought it would be fun to see if we can get their attention." Hermione said.

"It worked didn't it. Did you see their faces when we were taking about," Lily stopped and looked toward Hermione.

Hermione shock her head and said,

"I don't think they deserved to know yet."

Ginny started to laugh. She thought it was funny that Hermione and Lily were tricking James and Sirius. They all ate breakfast and went to class. Lily first class was of all classes, Potions. But luckily she had James, Sirius, Remus, and Hermione. Ron and Harry had a free time because they were not able to take Potions because of their grades. Everyone was surprised to see Professor Slughorn and not Professor Snape. Class started with Slughorn talking about the class and then he was talking about potions that were in front of him.

During the class there was a disturbance with Harry and Ron coming in. Slughorn was pleased to see Harry but was confused about Ron. Harry said that he brought Ron from Professor McGonagall regards. Professor Slughorn was alright with another new student. Class went by fast and they were heading to Defense Against the Dark Arts. There was a surprise for everyone. The teacher that was waiting for all of them was Professor Snape himself.

"What?" Harry said.

"Mr. Potter if you could please sit down and be quiet? I would like to start class now." Snape retorted.

Snape started to roll call and when he landed on Lily's name he just stopped and froze. There was a moment of silence in class. Even when he landed on Sirius' and James' name all he did was give a distasteful glare at them. But with Lily it was different. He had pain in his eyes. It looked like she could not concentrate. But he forced himself to start class. That day went by fast for everyone.

Lily sat in the library with Hermione and Remus. They were working on some of their homework before dinner. All you could hear was the scratching of the parchment as they worked on homework. Hermione finally disturbed the quiet.

"How did you two do with classes today?"

"Mine was fine." Remus said not looking up from his book.

"Lily how about you?" Hermione asked looking concerned toward her new friend.

If Hermione had to pick from the people from the past that she had gotten close to was Lily. Those two had become really close when Lily learned that Hermione was a muggle born and one of the smartest people in Hogwarts. They have even comparted Hermione to Lily in the past. Lily was like a best friend Hermione had grown up with since forever. Lily felt the same way toward Hermione.

"What?" Lily asked.

"I asked if your classes went well today." Hermione said.

"Oh yeah. It was well but Defense Against the Dark was a little weird." Lily said.

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