Chapter 10

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Dumbledore walked up to the podium and announced that all classes would resume today. Everyone went into a whisper wondering who Dumbledore got as teacher for DADA. Harry was sitting there quiet. Hermione was sure that Dumbledore would pick him. Harry was the best choose. Hermione gave a sorry look. Harry just shrugged and they all headed to their classes.

Throughout the day everyone was asking anyone who already had DADA. Everyone gave the same response to that they have never seen the guy and he was really amazing. Hermione was excited to go to DADA class and she was ready to learn. Hermione and Lily walked into the class and saw that the class room was empty. Everyone was slowly coming in.

The room went dark and then the lights came one. There stood a man in his middle age. He was tall with dark black hair. He was standing there staring at the class. He walked up to the front of the room. There was something mysterious about him.

"Alright class. My name is Mr. Lider Util." The teacher introduced himself.

Hermione smiled when she realized that his name mean helpful leader in Spanish. As the class went on everyone was interested into the teacher. He had all of their attention and no one was fooling around, even the Slytherins were interested on what the teacher had to say.

"Alright class. That is it for today. I want you to do the reaching of chapter seven and have some question ready for next class. Class dismiss." Mr. Lider Util said.

Everyone went got their things together and headed for lunch. Hermione walked with Lily and James. They were meeting with everyone else in the Great Hall. Hermione looked back at the new professor and said,

"Well he seems interesting."

"Agreed. I have never had a teacher that fascinating ever." Lily said.

"But there is something mysterious about this man. I just don't know what it is." Hermione said sitting down at the Gryffindor table.

The talk of the school was about their new professor. Everyone knew of him but at the same time no one know about him. Hermione saw that Harry was no were to be found. She looked around the Great Hall and then said,

"Does anyone know where Harry is?"

"Yeah, I saw him talking to Professor Dumbledore when I was coming down here." James said.

Harry walked in and sat with his friends. They all at in silence until Hermione spoke up and said,

"Harry what do you think of the new teacher of DADA?"

"He seems interesting. Not that crazy as everyone is saying he is. What do you think?" Harry asked.

"I think there is something odd about him but I just can't put my finger on it." Hermione stated.

"Oh sweetie tweetie that is just crazy. I think the new teach is amazing." Sirius said putting his arm around Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione removed the arm and she wished she didn't. Ginny saw that Hermione frowned a little bit she moved his arm. Hermione had been off since this morning and Ginny was going to ask her if everything was alright. Ginny knew that something was wrong but she just did not know what.

Hermione excused herself and headed to the library. Ginny followed her and she was going to confront her about her change of attitude.

"What is wrong Hermione?" Ginny asked walking up to Hermione.

"What are you talking about? Nothing is wrong." Hermione lied.

"I know something is wrong. I am your best friend. I know that the boys can't see it but I can and I am worried about you. Ever since this morning little scene with Sirius you have been a little distance." Ginny stated.

Hermione sighed and said,

"Ginny, I really don't know. Ever since the Marauders and Lily have come, I have noticed that I have had this feeling toward Sirius that I can't explain. I never felt like this before to anyone else ever."

Hermione did not know what was wrong with her. Every time Sirius was around her or she heard his voice she just got these butterflies. They came every time she heard his name or she sees him across of the room. Ginny know exactly what was wrong with her best friend.

"Hermione, I think I know what is wrong with you. You are in love with Sirius!" Ginny stated the facts to Hermione.

Hermione looked at Ginny with a shocked face. She did not want to be in love with him. She just couldn't. He was from the past and in her time he was dead. This was not right. Could this really be happening? Was I really in love with Sirius Black, Hermione thought to herself.

"But Ginny that can't be true. This can't be happening." Hermione stated.

Ginny grinned toward her friend. Ginny know both Hermione and Sirius and she know that they both were falling in love with each other. Ginny figured it out that when Sirius was alive, he was always alone and he never had anyone. He always told Ginny and Hermione about this girl that he loved but let her go.

*Flash Back*

Hermione and Ginny was enjoying a nice cup of tea with Sirius and Remus. They were telling them stories about their past at Hogwarts. Sirius was describing this beautiful girl that he met.

"Every time I saw her, she made me smile like an idiot. She did not know the effect she had on me." Sirius recalled with a grin.

"What happened between you two?" Hermione asked.

"I really don't remember. I know is that I lost her. There was never anyone like her ever. She was one of a kind." Sirius stated.

"I had never seen Pads so love struck before. It was like karma hit him twice. This girl was something else. She knew how to challenge Pads and when to test him." Remus stated with a laugh.

"She was your match?" Ginny asked.

She remembered when her parents retold their stories of how they meet and their dating life. How they know that they were each other's match right at the start. She recalled her mom telling them all about Harry's parents and how James knew right away that Lily was his match but it just took Lily some time to realize that too.

"Yeah, she was. I never felt so complete until I meet her. I finally know how James felt when he was running after Lily. It was like I would do anything to have her as mine. She was so stubborn. Every time I tried to ask her out or anything she would just blow it off. She told me that it would never work." Sirius stated with a sad grin.

"But just like James I did not give up. She was the one that got away."

*End of Flash Back*

Ginny looked at her friend and know that moment he was talking about Hermione. All that time his true love was here and he did not know. He talked about her right in front of her. It made so much sense now why when Hermione smiled around him, him just light up and her mother even notices. Ginny then felt a pain in her gut. She knows that Hermione lost the love of her life last year. She saw him die and she did not know how much he meant to her.

"Ginny how are with all of this?" Hermione got her out of her thought.

"I'm doing alright. It is hard but I am pushing through it. I know that they remember me as Ginny Granger but it is not the same. I know what happens and they don't remember me." Ginny stated.

Hermione was the only one that knew about Ginny's little adventure going to the past last year. They had kept it from everyone else. It was too hard on Ginny to recall all of the great memories and know that they had horrible futures. Ginny know that it was the right thing to do and that they would be better off but she sometimes wish she could have changed things.

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