Christian Arroyo

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Requested  based off the song Trade Mistakes by Panic! At The Disco

Feeling depressed everyday isn't something that I would wish upon anyone in their entire life. I've felt this way every day since senior year of high school when my mom died. I've always thought about killing myself just to be with my mom. 

"Babe, why are you thinking about this again?" Christian asked as he just knew by the look on my face what I was thinking about. "Because I just want to be with my mom again, I need to be with her again. I can't live on without her." 

Christian sighed and sat on the bed and pulled me into his arms while I just sat there, not putting my arms around him or anything. He knows when I just get in one of these moods, that I just wanna be alone with my thoughts. 

But to be honest, he knew better than to leave me alone because I will try to commit suicide. "I'll save you, I promise babe. I know you can make it through this." He said as he kissed my forehead and I just sighed, because I knew he would be right some day, just not today.

"I'm your anchor, I'll pull you back up and let you sail like I know you should. You won't sink as long as I'm around." He said and his encouraging words just brought me to tears because I don't know what I did to deserve him. 

"Sh baby, don't cry. I'm right here for you." He said as sobs rocked through my body. This has been happening since senior year of high school, that's been 5 years and I can't believe that Christian has stayed through it all. 

"Why have you stayed?" I asked pulling away from being in his arms and looking at him. He just smiled and wiped my tears away and leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I told you, I'll always be your anchor to pull you up and I'll always be there to save you. I love you princess, so much." He said as he kept wiping away the tears. 

"God I don't know what I did to deserve you, I love you so much Christian." 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it, I hope I did your song justice!

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