JD Martinez

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"JD, what do you mean I'm coming with you to the park this early? I don't think I'm allowed back there with you." I said as I was getting ready to head with JD to Fenway for god knows what. "Because I asked and they said you could, I want to show the stadium with no one in it. I want you to experience what I do every day." He said with a smile. 

I sighed and went along with it and finished getting ready to go with him. "You're right, it's different going in this way instead of the regular gates with the fans." I said walking through the player entrance with him. 

"See, you're getting a whole other side of Fenway today." He said as he took my hand in his and led me throughout the clubhouse yet. No one was here yet, which I thought was odd, but I wasn't going to question JD anymore. 

"Ready to see the field?" He asked and I nodded and he led me up the stairs and my eyes went wide at the view from the dugout. "It's great right?" He asked and all I could do was nod. It was such a different view from the stands. I'm not used to seeing Fenway empty, it was completely gorgeous. 

"Now I know you've been wondering why I brought you here early today and now it's finally time to tell you." He said as we were standing in the middle of the outfield. "I was, but being here with you and no one else is just amazing." I said and he smiled and took a deep breath. He seemed nervous, but I wasn't questioning it. 

"You've been with me through the ups and downs. Through the whole fiasco with Houston, to getting signed with the Tigers, getting traded to Arizona in the middle of the season and then to signing with Boston in the offseason. You've been my absolute favorite person to do this whole journey with and I don't want our life to stop here, I want to be with you when we're old and senile and I can't play baseball anymore and to watch our boys play and when we're sitting in the stands knowing how proud we are of them and how far the two of us have come. I want you to be my ride or die for life. So will you, Kristen, do me the honor and marry me?" He said getting down on one knee. 

"Oh my god." I said as my hands flew up to my mouth and I started to cry. "Yes JD, I will marry you." I said and he smiled and let out a breath and took the ring out of the box and put it on the finger and then stood up and kissed me. 

"You're very sneaky, I had no idea you were going to do that." I said as we were walking back towards the dugout to go to the clubhouse. "I had been planning that for a long time, I just needed to find the right time and now I can't wait to be married to you." He said as he stopped and kissed me. 

"I love you." I said looking up at him with a smile on my face. He smiled and kissed me again. "I love you too."

A/N: Guys requests are opennnn!!!!!!!

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