➽Chapter Eight

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Rheynoak didn't sleep at all that night

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Rheynoak didn't sleep at all that night.

With Onyx still unconscious and nearly dead, his attention has been focused on nothing but reviving her back to life. Sleep seemed to be a dream that only existed in a paradise he wished to be in.

For now, it was nothing but darkness and the consuming guilt eating him alive. He knew what he was doing, that Onyx's sickness was a consequence for what he was not supposed to do.

He should have told her the truth and undo what he had done. He should have opened up his heart, got down on his knees, and beg her for forgiveness.

But jealousy, ignorance, and pure pride seized his soul and pushed him back down to the position he was stuck in.

Sighing, Rheynoak poured himself another glass of Trojan wine into the small, glass decorative cup that sat beside him on a crafted table in Onyx's hut. The bottle was nearly done, the sweet yet sour wine the only thing keeping his hazel eyes from closing once again. His other hand was intertwined with his lover's her limp fingers pale against his tan skin.

Picking the cup up, the tribe leader raised the drink to his lips and took a long drink, squeezing her hand gently. Nothing happened, just the whispers fo her hair tickling her cheeks.

Hard liquor poured down his throat, quenching his thirst, his eyes never leaving Onyx's still body. The black medicine had not worked it seemed. Though it seemed hopeful only hours ago, it was nothing but a dwindling thought in the back of his mind.

Pouring himself a second glass, Rheynoak didn't give his attention to the door when a knock sounded before it creaked open. Black boots stepped into the tiny room, followed by piercing ruby ringed eyes and a smirk that could stretch for miles. "Not much of a living space I see?" the voice said, pulling the tribe leader out of his murky thoughts.

Immediately, a frown pulled on his lips, hazel eyes never breaking away from Onyx. "Get out Draco" the leader hissed, raising a skeptical brow at the unsuspected visitor. Draco only smiled, sitting at the edge of her bed. "I just got here, Rhey. Besides, I wanted to see how Onyx was doing. I see she still hasn't awoken yet."

"I don't understand. I didn't think the rubies would cause this much trouble" the tribe leader expressed, shaking his head. "Yes, a couple incidents here and there would be expected but nearing her deathbed was unexpected." The emperor rolled his eyes, cursing underneath his breath.

"For someone so old who has been reincarnated so many times, you are still an idiot, Rheynoak" the emperor hissed, clasping his fingers together. "You knew what was going to happen if you switched the jewels and you still did it. You replaced the ruby in Alesandria's dagger with the ruby from Onyx's sword. That ruby contained the last blood from Onyx's family bloodline and by switching it, you just caused Alesandria to not only stab herself with an impure ruby but inject herself with that very blood."

The emperor's eyes burned with nothing but the truth, showing no remorse as he rolled his eyes once more, cursing in foreign letters underneath his breath. "I had no choice, Draco! We both know that Onyx is a very desired creature!" the tribe leader hissed, slamming down the glass cup. "Other tribes were searching for her, to use her blood for nothing but pure evil. I did what I had to do to protect her!

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