➽Chapter Eleven

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Solyerian. The one holiday Rheynoak had detested for over a century.

It was the one thing he would rather burn himself over. Even the simple mention of it had his blood boiling and his heart racing to jump out of his chest.

Needless to say, the tribe leader was less than excited to celebrate Solyerian. Even if he was the host and would have the honor to celebrate the holiday with other tribe leaders, it still wouldn't make up for all the losses and the devastation it had marked in his life.

Tired hazel eyes flickered open to the welcoming morning sun, scanning his surroundings of his bedroom. The bed was warm yet abandoned, the presence of another warm body gone. His fingers moved to grasp the sheets were Onyx usually slept by his side.

Yet nothing but thin air slipped through his fingers on the cold side of the bed.

Confusion struck him first, his eyes searching frantically for his lover followed by panic when he kicked the silk sheets off his body and stood up, ignoring the bristly cold air that brushed through the open windows and the silk curtains. His heart was beating at the speed of light, vision going blurry with every few seconds that passed by.

It wasn't until his eyes landed on her silk robe that she had left in his room that he suddenly remembered she wasn't talking to him, practically ignoring him for wanting to protect her.

Ever since she had gone under the Catalyst Oath and was transformed into a demi-hybrid, Rheynoak has been doubting that it was the same Onyx he had known before. Before any of this happened, she was never submissive. She was always challenging him, getting on his nerves, knowing what buttons to push. She had the fire in her eyes that always burned him even when he wasn't around her.

She even looked like pure hell.

But now, she had grown more humane, more submissive, weaker even. She wasn't the same person he had fallen in love with. She didn't challenge him, she didn't excite him. She didn't trigger him.

Cautiously, the Hell Siphon walked over to the robe that was draped elegantly on the crown of the chair, letting his fingers graze past the soft silk and rough lace that kissed his skin. A bit of her scent lingered on his skin, reminding him of what they shared.

The fight they had yesterday was the first sign of the old Onyx he knew.

As much as he hated to admit to it, she didn't seem to have the same effect on him that she had before. Which was ironic considering how she looked more hellish than ever with those gold eyes that seemed to be made of pure fire and hate.

Yet still, he couldn't find it in himself to blame her for the sudden change in behavior. At the end of the day, it was still his fault for deceiving her. Switching the rubies was a faulty plan, he realized that now.

But there was nothing he could do. Except let the truth come out itself.

Hugging the robe close to him, he sighed and willed himself to move past the little pieces of Onyx that were scattered in his room to the bathroom, the door creaking closed when he entered. Hot air met his flushed skin.

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