➽Chapter Thirty Three

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The impact of his body meeting the ground and a burning sensation across his wrist jolted Rheynoak's senses awake

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The impact of his body meeting the ground and a burning sensation across his wrist jolted Rheynoak's senses awake.

His view was blurry and unstable as a groan croaked from his mouth, followed by wince when he tried to move his hands, only to realize that they have been chained behind his back. He looked up to see the black ceiling with water dripping through the cracks. A window was to his right although too high for him to reach and the stench of rotten food filled the cavity that was his cell.

The tribe leader looked down at his clothes only to realize that his shirt had been torn and his abdomen was stained with blood. An open wound was bandaged and pulsing with blood, the red liquid soaking through the bandages.

"He looks terrible," a faraway voice said, capturing his attention. He looked around his cell, a migraine forming in his head as his thoughts beat themselves against his skull.

"Nothing he's not used to" another voice replied, this one a lot lighter and drenched in sarcasm. A foot reached out to nudge his jaw and he jolted up to see two shadowy figures sitting on a bench across from him.

"Who are you? Where am I?" he asked, struggling against the restraints on his wrist. "Let me out!" he pleaded, banging his head against the concrete wall.

"Stars and Gods, if you wanted to die, you could have asked one of us to do so" a voice spoke out to him. Rheynoak closed his eyes and shook his head, opening them one more time to see his vision refocus, this time a bit clearer. The two figures sitting on the bench revealed themselves to be Yongui and Castrin, eyeing him with calmness.

"Where am I?" he asked, looking around his cell. "The palace dungeons" Yongui replied, her eyes fixated on him. "Right above from the royal stables." The tribe leader looked up again, now understanding the wretched stench and dirty water leaking from the ceilings. "How long do you plan on keeping me here?" he pressed on.

"As long as we need to, bastard" Castrin cut in, making him flinch. The dark magic summoner scowled at him with disgust, getting up to take a few steps towards him. "It's not like anyone will miss you anyway." A scowl appeared on Rheynoak's lips, despite the small river of tears that welled in his eyes.

"Don't call me a bastard. You embody that definition more than I do" the tribe leader shot back. Castrin grabbed a hold of his jaw, pressing the base of his skull against the concrete walls. "Don't you dare speak upon me like that again, you filthy bastard" he spat, his fingers pressing against the flesh of his skin. "You're lucky I'm not alone in this cell or else, I would have ripped your tongue apart by now."

The tribe leader growled at him, despite his sore head being banged against the concrete. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Yongui roll her eyes. "Men" she uttered, running a hand through her silver locks. She got up, wandering over to Castrin and pulling him up by his collar. "Ease up. If anyone gets to torture him, it's me" she said, earning a glare from him. "Stop showing sympathy. You remind me of a mortal" he hissed at her.

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