Chapter 26

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Bahja | Bah-Jah

I was in bed sleeping with the fan on. I had on something loose like a white plain shirt. I was hot so I took my shorts off.

My daughter was moving around too much and was on my lungs. It was hurting I tried to make her move away but she doesn't listen.

I got up to go use the bathroom because I felt like I was finna start peeing on myself. But once i got up my water bag broke.

I was screaming and panicking. My mom busted into the room and she seen my water broke so she ran and grabbed her keys and put on her a jacket and some slippers.

My sister helped me to the car. She grabbed my phone, wallet and purse. I told her to go get my charger and headphones. My mom grabbed me a couple of clothes and my daughter 3 pairs of clothes.

My sister ran to the car and brought me my slippers and a blanket. I was freaking out and holding onto things. My mother and sister rushed out of the house and got into the car and drove off.

I was screaming and hitting things as we was getting close. My sister got on my phone and let Zonnique and Hakeem know I was in labor.

My sister said "Zonnique said breath in and out best friend, and she loves you. Hakeem said he already was on his way with everybody. He said he loves you and here he come".

I nodded my head and screamed to my mother "HERE UP MOM SHES COMING".

I am so scared. I can feel her coming, we finally made it to the hospital. My mother went inside to get an doctor. They came and got me out of the car in a wheel chair.

They took me into a room and put me on the bed. My mother helped me took my clothes off and put on that hospital gown on.

I was in hella pain. I was crying and scared. My mom was by my side the whole time. The doctors was telling me to calm down and breath. One of the doctors said a couple of people were here for me, and I knew who.

I told them "Roc Taylor can come in and so can Zonnique Pullins. He's the father and she's the god mother."

The doctor let them in and once I seen Zonnique I calmed a bit down. But once I seen Roc I was highly annoyed. I didn't really wanted him to be here but he can't miss out on this experience.

Zonnique came by me and held my hand. She said as the doctors was telling me to push, and I was squeezing her hand "Girl you are hurting my hand Bahja. I know it hurts but damn girl.."

I yelled at her "SHUT UP" Roc was just standing there and was nervous. I yelled at him too "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ROC"

He came by me and was trying to tell me to breathe and push. After 4 try's she came. I was crying tears of joy because it was over. I feel like she ripped my private area.

My mom was super happy. I looked at Zonnique who was crying also, She hugged me and said "I love you best friend congrats". I smiled and wiped her face.

Roc was pass out. I laughed at him because he couldn't take what was actually happening. My mom came by me and hugged me. I hugged her back and She left out the room to let everyone know what happened.

Zonnique phone started to ring so she answered it. I was too busy paying attention to my daughter. She's so beautiful.

After the doctors finished giving me stretches and cleaning my baby I got to hold her. My mom came back in and my sister, hakeem, his daughter and tiny. I asked about my cousins coming and my mom said "they're on they way".

Roc finally woke up by then and was looking at our daughter. Everybody was taking pictures of all of us and her. I was so happy I started to cry again.

Hakeem came up to me and wiped my tears. He was whispering in my ear "You know I love you like an sister. I told you i'd came, I was going to surprise you but since your sister called and told us you was in labor I said I'm already on the way. I am so proud of you, My niece is so gorgeous she's such an princess. Congratulations sis!"

After that he hugged and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and said "thank you keem i love you more." He took pictures of her and my cousins finally walked in.

Michael, Airel and Jordan arrived. I smiled cause Airel came running up to me, and talking to my daughter. She said " aww she's so adorable cousin. She looks like you" I said "thank you Airel".

Michael and Jordan hugged me and said "congratulations" I said "thank you". They took pictures with her then they left. Airel wanted to stay which I was cool with.

The doctor came in the room and they said "Hello Bahja have you and the father decided what she wanted to name her"

I looked at Roc and he looked at me. I rolled my eyes and said "No because we been going through things and we forgot to talk about what to name her".

My mom said "Anybody got any names to help them with just speak out"

Tiny said " I think you should name her Candace" I looked at her crazy and laughed.

Zonnique said "Yasmine" I looked at Roc and he shrug his shoulders.

Airel and my sister said " We came up with Malaysia" I smiled and said " That's really cute"

My mom said " Natalya I like that name"
I said " That's an difficult name mom"

Hakeem said " I like Makayla" I said "That's decent but I'll go with it. Any more suggestions"

"Crystal or Aniya" said Lala who was on facetime with Zonnique.

I said " okay so I decided to name her Malaysia Aliza Taylor" My sister and cousin started to dance.

The doctor wrote her birth certificate and put it down. They tested her and she's 7 ounces and 9 pounds. So for the rest of the night a couple of people left and some stayed.

( A/N: I am so sorry for this chapter to be long. I don't know how make this shorter, and I never had an baby before so I don't know how to write this. I'm sorry for the misspelled words. I hope your enjoying this book.)

Second Timer | 💁🏽

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