Chapter 49 Pt 2

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Bahja | Bah-Jah

I grabbed Malaysia diaper bag and I put her in her car seat. I went to my car and put her in the backseat buckling her up safety as I can. I kissed her cheek and said "I love you mamas"

I shut the door and got into the car. After that I buckled in and started the car. I backed up from the driveway and drove off. I was jamming to Sex On The Ceiling x Sevyn Streeter.

A couple minutes later I finally got there. Malaysia was fussing because she's either hungry or she needs to be changed. I recognized Roc car here and instantly got upset.

I parked my car into the side of the street and got out. I grabbed Malaysia while she was in her car seat still. She was still crying which I don't like when she's mad at me. I grabbed her bag and walked to the front door.

I knocked on it and there was Cassidy. She smiled at me and looked at Malaysia who was still crying. She took the bag from me and I walked in. I sat on the couch and picked Malaysia up.

I said to Cassidy as I was reaching for Malaysia bottle "Can you fix her an bottle please and thank you so much" She said nodding her head "Of course she's so adorable".

I smiled as she walked away. I changed her diaper, Roc and Hakeem was coming from the basement. They was laughing and looked high. Hakeem seen me and said walking up "hey little sis and my gorgeous niece"

I smiled and hugged him. I said "So here she go" as I finished putting her clothes back on. He tried to pick her up until I said "First of all, did you wash your heads?" He got up and washed his hands as he was holding her made bottle.

Roc was just sitting at the kitchen table staring at Malaysia. I didn't bother to look at him during that whole visit. I said watching Hakeem fed my baby "Hold her head up as you feeding her, I don't want her to choke and make sure she burps during a half bottle"

Cassidy sat next to him as everyone was watching Malaysia and Hakeem. He was smiling so hard because of they bond already with eachother. He said "you got used to being an mother already huh?"

I said "Yes it's such an amazing feeling. I love being an parent to my one and only bundle of joy." Roc came over and sat next to me. He said "I wanna see my daughter" I was still looking at Malaysia as Hakeem stood up and gave him her.

He said as he was playing with her stomach "Daddy always always always loved you babygirl. I'm never going to stop, me and mommy just going through some bad things right now but we will never put you between it. We love you so much princess. Whenever you need me, i'll be there in a hurry ok pumpkin"

I smiled as he was giving her that little talk. Hakeem said "let me talk with you in private, let's go outside" I walked outside while he was following me.

He said "you good sis" I said looking at him with an confused look "I'm alright what made you ask?" He said "you been treating my boy a little different and me and cassidy been seeing it"

I said looking at him "I just don't feel like we should be together. I think we should just be co-parenting for Malaysia and that's it. He still fucking her and being with her every single day. I don't believe any word he says anymore."

He grabbed my hands and looked me in my eyes he said "I'll tell you the real truth of why he never been home on time or barely spending time with Malaysia or seeming like he been with her more than you, Roc just only goes to see his son hangs out with him, he comes to the trap house and do a couple things there, make a couple of sells and goes home.."

He said "and i'm not lying to you i'm being honest Bahja." I nodded and said "I just wanted him to tell the truth but he continued to lie so i'm just gonna stick to what i'm saying and If he wants to see her he gotta talk to me. I'm her real parent who been taking the most care of her anyways"

He nod and said "that's exactly right. I'm not stopping you from your own decisions if you feel like it's best then let it be" I said "thank you"

I walked back in while Hakeem followed. Roc was sleep on the couch with Malaysia sleeping on his chest. I stood there and smiled trying to not cry. I took an picture and Hakeem whispered in my ear "My boy loves Malaysia so much. He wouldn't want to break her heart because of her parents not together and taking care of her together."

I sat down and I grabbed her from him and put her in her car seat. I put the blanket over her and I grabbed her bag. I said hugging Cassidy and Hakeem "I love you brother and bye Cassidy. I'll see y'all again" Then I left.

I buckled her back in the back seat and I made sure she was safe. I put her bag in the passenger seat. I drove back to Zonnique house.

40 mins I finally pulled in the driveway. I got out and grabbed her bag. I grabbed her and went inside. I went to my room and Zonnique was sleeping in my bed, I know she missed me. She always does that when she misses me.

I took an shower and washed my hair. I blowed dried it and put conditioning in it. I let it stay in because my hair was curling up. I put on my boy shorts from victoria secret. I put on a long white shirt and some short volleyball shorts.

I picked Malaysia up and undressed her. I washed her up and washed her hair. I put conditioning and shampoo in it and rinsed it out. I dried it off and combed it. I put her in her onesie.

I went downstairs and made her another bottle. I went back upstairs and fed her. I was watching Jane The Virgin and rocking/burping her to sleep. After doing that, I put her in her crib and locked the door.

I kissed her and said "mama loves you my beautiful princess, goodnight" I finally got into bed and felled asleep. I was so exhausted so I felled straight to sleep.

Second Timer | 💁🏽‍♀️

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