Chapter 29

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Hakeem | Ha-Keem

I was at my crib sitting on the couch smoking with my niggas. We was watching the game Warriors vs. the Cavs.

I been chilling every since Bahja had my niece Malaysia. Daysha lives with her mom but I always get her every other day. I think I get her today.

Roc been out of the way every since his daughter came. I understand tho, He been trying distant himself so he can get his family together.

I was planning to go see Zonnique since she haven't been fucking with me lately. I hit the blunt and stood up. Chris said "bitch pass the fucking blunt damn".

I hit it again and said "fuck you". He said "don't you got somewhere to be" I looked at him and said "hell yeah but this my shit and I'll leave this bitch whenever I want".

He shook his head and said "Zonnique gone kick yo ass" I said "nah she know better, but I gotta go". I got up and grabbed my keys.

I walked towards the door and left. My niggas know that I trust them being there and to lock my shit when they leave. But Chris never leaves when I leave.

I jumped into my car and pull off. My first stop was to go get my daughter then Zonniques.

About 20 mins later I finally made it to Cassidy house. She lives with her moms. Me and her mom has an bond that can't be broken. I pulled up in the driveway and got out.

I walked up to the front door and knock. Cassidy came to the door and she smiled extra hard. I looked at her and said "can I come in?"

She open the door wide and I walked in. Her mom Sarah said "hello Hakeem how are you?" I said "I'm doing pretty good. How are you?"

She said smiling hard "I'm doing well." I shook my head as in agreeing wise. I said "where's Daysha? Is she ready to go?".

Cassidy was getting her ready to go. I was watching her. Cassidy kissed her on the cheek and said "I love you. You'll see mommy tomorrow morning okay" Daysha nod her head and said "Bye bye mommy".

I picked her up and walked out the house. I went to my car. Her mom was following me with her bags. I put Daysha in her sitter and buckle her up.

Cassidy put the bags on the other side then shut the door. I kissed Daysha in the forehead. I shut the door and walked up to her mom.

Cassidy was looking at me. I said "She'll be back tomorrow at 8" She said shaking her head "I guess".

Cassidy started to walk away from me. I grabbed her and said as I was looking at her up and down "We don't have to be co-parents. I miss you girl. I see your mom didn't forget about me."

She rolled her eyes. She said "you wanted to be a hoe so that's why we co-parenting and no she didn't forget about you because she forever asking about you".

I said "well what is that telling you" she looked at me deadly then said "She likes you and that's it." she's playing games. I just want my baby moms back.

"Nah that means she wants us to be together." I said. I leaned in and kissed her but she didn't kissed me back. I said "Quit playing with me".

She said "I'll think about it Hakeem" then she walked back to the house. She's going to be mines again.

I got in the car and pulled off. I went to the crib. I don't got time to be around her. I'm just going to chill with my daughter.

I pulled in my driveway and got out. I got my daughter and her bags out the car and went in the house. I let her run around the house.

I'm just going to chill with this bad girl today.

Second Timer | 💁🏽

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