Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt warm sun rays hit my face. I turned my face the other way to avoid the light, my eyes flutter as it adjusted from the light. The weight beside me was gone unnoticed, I felt a snuzzle on my side. I did not need to see who it was and just enjoy a peaceful morning like this to wake up to. 

  I stared at the ceiling as I let my body adjust from being unconscious. I forgot that she told me she will be home yesterday. My mind was trying to remember when did she arrive last night, I yawned. Maybe she came I was already in my deep slumber. I suddenly felt bad not being able to wait for her. Not used of waiting for someone to arrive at night. But since I forgot, I would not make an effort to stay up.

 I'm used of her not always around day and night and I'm not mad about it. I understand. She is a busy woman, making music and last month she started her world tour— Revival World Tour. So, it was more likely for not to be around. 

  I kissed her forehead before I carefully unwrapped her arm around me. I got up and made my way to the bathroom, to do my morning routine. I lie back down again next to my girlfriend after that. I turned to face her as I place my head over hand for support. I watched her sleeping like I always do. I placed strands of her hair behind her ear for me to clearly see her face. She looked so tired, bags under her eyes but she's still as gorgeous as I remember. 

God, I missed her.

  "Hey, did mom tell you staring is rude.", she said in her morning voice while her eyes are still close.

  I quickly crunched up, ready to stand up but before I even step my foot on the cold hard floor, I felt her arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back down the bed. She sat closed behind me, kissing my nape before she rested her chin on my right shoulder.

  I don't know why I did that. But maybe because I get caught? And... I don't know.

  "That was not the reaction I was expecting.", she said, "Are you mad?", I turned to face her with neutral expression and could not help but cracked into a smile. Her hair is a little bit messy. Morning hair. I brushed it with my bare hands.

  "Why would I be mad?" I answered her question with another question. An easy way out to avoid serious questions like that. I felt her hold my hands.

  She shrugged, "I don't know, I just felt you are.", she said avoiding my eyes and look at our hands instead.

  "I'm not.", I said then stood up on my knees before tackling her with hug that made us fell back on the bed in return. I buried my face on the crook of her neck. She wrapped her arms around me, giving me the same intensity.

 "I missed you.", I said on her neck. I didn't know I was crying until I sniffled and felt her rubbed my back up and down. We stayed like that for awhile before I felt her slowly sit up. I didn't budge and stayed in her arms, my face still on her neck.

  "I missed you too, princess.", her voice soothed me, calming me down. I pulled away and covered my face with hands, not wanting her to see my face.

  "I'm sorry.", my voice cracked at the end.

  "Don't." she said then removed my hands and wiped the tears off. I could see her trying not tear up.

  "Still.", I said.

  "Where for?", she asked putting strands of my hair away from my face behind my ear.

  "For soaking your neck, I guess?", I answered chuckling.

  "This is not 'the only time' that you soaked my neck.", she teased emphasizing the 'the only time'. I bit my lip, stopping myself from reacting to her. Her eyes travelled to my lips then back to my eyes, leaning in.

  She leaned back when I said something, "What?", she asked confusion written on her face.

  "Admiring.", I repeated correcting what she said a moment ago about starring. It had taken a moment for her to realized what I was talking about. 

  "Ah.", I laughed at her.

  "Noted that. Admiring.", I rolled my eyes.

  She was about to say something but I cut her off, "Brush you teeth first" I said.

  "Great!", she said sarcastically with annoyance lacing her demeanor. I tried to stop her because I would still kiss her even if she hasn't brush her teeth but still made her way to the bathroom.

  "You are so annoying!", she shouted from the bathroom. I laughed, "But you love me!" I said. 

  I sat up and wiped my sticky face from crying, "That's why I love crying." I mumbled. I grabbed my phone and open the WI-FI icon. My phone goes wild because of the notifications from my social media accounts.

  I opened my twitter, first. I answered some of the questions that my fans twitted. Next, Instagram. I just scrolled down, liked some pictures and then last my YouTube, as always. I read some of comments in my previous video telling me to post new one because they are bored and it's been awhile since I uploaded.

  I felt someone's eyes bore on me. I looked up to see— my girlfriend, jealousy is written all over her face. But still trying to cover it up.

  "You seem busy.", she said leaning on the door frame with her arm crossed. I turned off my phone and put it away. I got off the bed and walked to her.

  "Nah, just checking my accounts.", I said trying to hug but she's dodging it.

  I did not make any comment. I did not want to make her uncomfortable with what she's feeling that would make her more insecure than she already was. 

  "I'm not jealous.", she said.

  "I didn't say anything.", I said, "There's nothing for you to be jealous of, I promise. You can check my phone. You know the password."

  "Okay.", she said, finally, reciprocating my hug.  

  "I'm sorry.", she said.

  I tightened my hug around her shoulder, "Don't.", I said.

  "Are you happy without me? Y/nn?", I pulled away and looked at her. 

  "I am not... I'm not happy 'coz I can't see the beautiful face of yours, your voice and everything." I said looking at her straight in the eyes and frown.

  "I think I should be the one who asking you are the famous one here. You can get whoever you want.", I said. "Are you happy without me? Sel?"

  "I'm not.", she said, "I'm sorry if I made you feel like that." 

  She looked down to my lips then to me, "Can I kiss you?" she asked.

  "You don't have to ask.", she place her hand on the side of my neck. She slowly leaned in looking at me then to my lips. I closed my eyes when her lips touched mine. I sighed at the feeling it always give me. Her hands travelled down my curve before fully wrapping themselves around my waist, removing the gap between us. As mine, made their around her neck. Our lips moved in sync. Her tongue asked for an entrance which I granted. I moaned in the contact, trying to fight for the dominance she never let me have. She gave me a couple of peck before pulling away.

  "Wow... It felt like forever. since-..", she smile when I could not form a word.

  "C'mon let's eat breakfast, I'll be your cook for today.", she said. I smiled. She wrapped her arms around me and pecked my lips one more time before we made our way to the kitchen.

A/N: Don't mind me republishing chapters. Just continue reading :))

Behind Closed Doors ☆Selena Gomez x Fem!Reader☆ [UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now