Chapter 26

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Camila's POV

I slowly open my eyes when the sun rays hit my face. I yawned stretching my body. I hopped out the bed and made my way to the bathroom and did my business. After that I plopped my self on the bed spreading my legs and arms. I sighed. I rolled over to reached my phone on the nightstand. No text coming from anyone. I decided to text Y/n.

Hey beautiful! Morning!
✉️ 8:26

While I'm waiting for her respond. I decided to check the pictures last night. Every pictures was so beautiful. A lot of them are stolen shots. There's when we're trying to light the candle our face was so close, the picture when we are laughing and a lot. I can't stop myself from smiling at all pictures.

There's a loud knock coming from the door that made me groan. I got out of the bed and unlocked the door and ran back at my bed.

"Hey kaki! Good morning!" my sister greeted me.


"So how was the date?" she asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"It was so amazing!" I replied grabbing the pillow besides me and burying my face on it and squealed.

"Are you okay kaki?" she asked. I looked at her, "Yes! I'm okay! I'm just-... She's my crush as in like crush-crush!"

"So you look like you won million dollars!" she let out a small laugh.

"Tell me what happened!" she said excitedly.

"I took her in the date-" before I continue she already cut me off.

"Just get straight to the point!" she said frustratedly.

"Oh! Ahmm.. We kissed." silence had fell on the atmosphere.



..1... I counted inside my head.

"Oh my gosh! How? I mean how you felt? Was her lips soft?" she bombarded me questions.

"Of course I felt a lot of things-... Oh kiddo why would I tell you? It's not like you're going to kiss her too!" I teased her. I messed her hair and I hopped out of the bed.

"Of course her lips was so soft!" I said as I get out of my room leaving her thinking how the moment where our lips touched.

"Can I date and kiss her too?"she shouted.

"Oh no kiddo, I won't let that!" I shouted back.

"Oh hey mamá goodmorning!" I greeted my mom kissing her on the cheek.

"Good morning!"

I heard footsteps running downstairs, "Why?" she complained.

"She's mine okay? M.I.N.E!" I spelled out.

"Okay I'll find someone else!" she said and sat down on the stole then crossed her arms.

"You're too young honey for that thing." mom said.

Sofi laughed, "Ma just messing around." and she grins showing her teeth.

"Study first honey!" dad said messing her hair.

"Oh Papa! Not my hair!" she said fixing her hair.

"Mija? Tell us about the date!" mamá said said excitedly.

Y/n's POV

I groaned when I heard my phone went off. Well it's not from call but from message. I reached my phone from the nightstand. I double tapped the screen of my phone to see a text from her, Camila.

Hey beautiful! Morning
✉️️ 8:26 am

I texted her back and she immediately replied back and our conversation continues until she needed to go. I swayed my legs on the edge of the bed as my feet exactly landed on my slippers. I stood up stretching my arms up, yawning. I made my way on the bathroom scratching my head and did my morning routine.

I went to the kitchen to make my breakfast. I cooked scrambled eggs and bacons and I made myself a coffee. I sat on the stole placing the plate on the table. I went back to my bedroom to get my phone and went back and sat on the stole. I opened my phone and it automatically connectd to the wifi. My phone went of in all notifications and it made my phone hang for awhile but recovered immediately. Most of them are from my twitter. I opened the app and take a look to all of the retweets and replies saying that I should post video in my channel because they are bored. I decided to tweet about it; I will. And again my phone went crazy from fans replies, retweeting and liking it.

I ignored it and went to my direct messages to see the group chat that I got added by a fan. Actually it was my fandom group chat to be honest they contacting me through there asking me how I am, about my videos and of course I replying them all. They never asked me about my personal life there which I'm so thankful for. And that group chat never dies I mean that GC is so active, when I'm offline they are all chatting. We're only fifteen there all of them are my fan accounts and update accounts but I know there real name and I followed them all even their personal accounts.

I exited that app and opened my IG. I just scrolled down and liked few pictures. I'm still not finished my food. I put my phone down and I finished eating and took a sip of my coffee.

Well it was still cold not cold like my breath is visible when I'm talking or exhaling. I went back to my phone and check all of our pictures last night in the date. Well I'm impressed to all the pictures she sent to me. And I'm impressed that she made an effort in that date, removed the snow covering the cliff, the delicious foods, the waiter and the chef and the beautiful view.

I posted the picture that I took last night, the whole view on the top of the hill caption; Last night was amazing, thank you. And adding three hearts emoji, posting it on IG, FB and twitter.

I watched netflix since I don't have school today which I'm glad because sometimes I hate school because it makes me out of place, people there makes me out of place because I'm the school nerd not as in typically nerd that wearing specs but if I wear specs only when I wanted to. Only Keisha don't makes me OP but we barely talk and hangout because she's with her group, at first they were only four since their two people added, so six, including her.

It makes me sad because she used to hangout with me before they came in the picture. At first I'm not complaining because first, it's a part of life. Second, I can't choose who she hangout because it's her life. Third were still hanging out, that time. But it was before because now it's totally no talking nor hanging out. No hi nor hello from her, she barely talk me when she talked to me only when I started it or when she's asking me for some stuffs. That group changes her a lot. She's not like that before. She's the first who sit with me when I'm sitting alone, I'm the one who's she talking about her favorite things and everything. I don't even know her right now. She's not the Keisha I've met.

Sometimes, I cried myself at night not because of the heartbreak from my past relationship but because my heartbreak from from my best friend. I often thinking; Maybe I'm destined to be alone. and asking myself; Am I that replaceable?

'I wish I'm not irreplaceable as her silence making me feel.'

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