Chapter 40

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Y/n's POV

I woke up with her by my side. Her arms wrapped securely around me, my back against her and her breath hitting my nape.

I slowly untangled myself not wanting to wake her up but everytime I make move, she moves. And when I noticed that she really doing it on purpose. I whined.

“Babe! I have to pee!” I croaked out in my morning voice.

“No. Stay.” she said.

I rolled over to face her. Her eyes were closed and still in her dream world. I studied her features, her nose, how long her eyelashes are, her skin and her lips.

“It's rude to stare,” she suddenly said while she opened her eyes slightly, adjusting it from the light.

“But seriously, babe, I need to pee.” I said.

“Kiss me?” she pouted.

I kissed her and when I felt her grip loosen up, I pulled away and ran to the bathroom.

“Sneaky little!” she shouted. I giggled. I peed and organized myself, doing my daily morning routine.

I stepped out of the bathroom to see her still laying on the bed and in her phone.

I stared at her for awhile. She still in her phone, ignoring my presence. I sighed and went out of the room to make our breakfast.

“Maybe, it's important though.” I mumbled to myself and continue to beaten up the eggs.

When I was done preparing our breakfast, she came and already in her make-up and looks like she's going somewhere. Maybe she really going somewhere. She sat down on the stole and started eating her breakfast.

I stared at my food, to her then to my food again. She's still in her phone and smiling. Did I do something wrong, I asked myself.

“Anyways, I have to go.” she said then got up. She made her way to me and kissed my cheeks and disappeared behind the front door.

“Ouch!” I said.

I stopped for a moment and let my brain think what's going on. A lot things, scenarios, questions running inside my head. I hate being paranoid, being in state of paranoia. Because it's opposite when it happens in reality. You know what I mean?


I felt like these, all of these, when I woke up and these ignoring things happened to before? I was like in deja vu right now. I don't know. Maybe I dreamt about these before? I really have no idea.

Did I forgot to tell you? Maybe I forgot because today is my birthday and I forgot about it too plus we flew in The City of Love — Paris!

Yeah, we flew here three days ago because— I don't know. At first I don't wanna because I have work but she made me. I don't what's with her that makes me nod in things without me knowing. Lol.

She is already in the stage performing her songs and I'm in the corner with her manager and some staffs watching her.

Before she sing the next song she—

“Ahmmm, I just want to surprise someone—,” the crowd went wild then she continues, “—she's one of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen,” she waits for the crowd to calm down a bit since their voices were overpowering the microphone she's holding.

“I hope you accept her, me, us—,” we heard a lot of course-s in the crowd, “And actually it's her birthday today and I totally pretend to forgot about it because of some reason, and I want this to be her birthday gift since I want our relationship to be in public. Please welcome my girlfriend Y/n L/n!” she proudly says.

I sat there all in shocked still trying to sink all the words and what she said in the front of thousands of people in my head.

“Please babe, come out to the stage.” she said and her manager and her stuffs made me stand up and pushed me in the stage. Oh so that's why she didn't wish me happy birthday this morning and acted that she don't my birthday is today and that's why they made me changed my clothes into long sleeve blouse and in black skirt.

She walks towards me and engulfing me with a big hug, “Surprise,” she said while she is hugging me. She pulled away and wrapped her arms around my waist then give a kiss on my cheek that makes the crowd become more wild. She pulled me in the middle of the stage near the VIP crowd and they started to sing Happy Birthday to me—

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you

And I looked at my side to see the cake holding by her manager, after they sing, I closed my eyes and tell my wish mentally then opened my eyes and blow the candle.

“You like my surprise?” she asked in the microphone and the crowd is chanting out ship name.

I just nod in reply and asked her, “Can I go back now since there's a lot of people watching us?” she laughed and it echoed in the whole arena.

“No, I don't want since there's one more,” she said. One of her dancer came to me and handed me a microphone.

“Anyway please introduce yourself,” she said and pulled away and made a bow waving her arms giving me the stage. The crowd went in deafening silence.

‘My ship is sailing!’ somewhere in the crowd said. Her voice— since the voice was so feminine so I assume it's she —her voice cracked that makes the crowd laugh. And we both laughed in the mic we're holding and the went to deafening silence, again.

“I'm sure I'm not in the school, right?” I awkwardly said in the microphone and they all laughed.

“Ahmm, I know you already know me because she introduced me and maybe you saw some of my videos but I'm still going to introduce myself since my teacher told me so,” I said motioning to my girlfriend and earned snickers from the crowd.

“I'm Y/n L/n and like what she said, I hope you guys accept her, me and us,” I said making some gestures and continue, “I love her so much and I wouldn't do anything to hurt her,” I said and walk towards her wrapped my arms around her neck giving her a hug.

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” they chant. She pulled away and pulled me into a soft and passionate kiss. The crowd went more wild and this time is the loudest.

“The next song I'm going to sing— oh no! we are going to sing,” she said emphasizing the we are and smirked towards me.

“Oh no!” I said.

“You're going to sing with me whether you like it or not,” she firmly said and all I could do is to say okay.

“Yass!” she said and motioned her hand and the band starts the music. We both sang Can't help falling in love and she pecked my lips in the end. After we both answered the questions that some of her fans asked us.

A lot of things happened tonight like in snap of a finger. And I don't want these to end. I love her with all of my heart.

Je t'aime de tout mon coeur,” she said in the microphone and crowd goes wild.

Je t'aime aussi,” I replied in French.

Finally! We can go wherever we want without worrying about people's opinions and stuffs.


A/n: The END!

Hey! I don't know if that's a French... But correct me if I'm wrong. I really appreciate it if you correct me.

Stay tuned for everything!!!

Lots of love,


Behind Closed Doors ☆Selena Gomez x Fem!Reader☆ [UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now