Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV

“Francia? Can I ask you something?” I asked as I watch her cooking our dinner. Actually she volunteered to do it. And yes she's here in our apartment. Selena called her for some reason, I don't know any idea why. Well I don't blame them because they are best friends. Sometimes that hurts me because she opens everything to her friends but me, let say to Francia. I'm not jealous or something but It just you know I'm her girlfriend.

Anyway, all of us treasures friendship than relationship. We have problems friends are often we are calling for advices and to talk to.

“What is it?”

“Do you know anything about her I mean she's acting so weird and she's always zoning out, is there any problems?” I asked.

She seems to understand who I am talking about and she turned to face me, “There's nothing.” she said. I study her features if she's telling the truth.

Argh! I can't read her!

She's so difficult to read. I don't know if she's telling the truth or she is good at hiding because duh she's an actress, and you what I meant about that she's an actress.

“Can you call your girlfriend? The dinner is ready.” I nodded and made my way to our room to where she is. I don't actually why Selena called her and heard some sniffles while they were there. I'm not invading there privacy, I just heard.

I knocked at the door, of course. I wait for seconds before I grabbed the knob and twisted it. Once I open the door, I see my girlfriend laying on the bed sleeping peacefully. I closed the door behind and climbed on the bed. I pulled the strands of her hair away from her face, behind her ear. She moves a little and a soft snore came out from her. I smiled. I don't have a heart to wake up my beautiful girlfriend laying peacefully here in the front of me.

I admire her. Her soft skin, beautiful eyelashes, her nose, eyebrows, her shiny black hair, and her kissable lips. I watched her eyes moving behind her eyelids. I find myself thinking I'm so lucky to have her in my life, the beautiful her, her golden heart, everything. She has all of the characteristics that a man or a woman could asked for. Eight years of being together, to be honest before she met Justin we're already dating and we became together after three years, so that's why it becomes eight years but in that eight there's break ups so don't count that in.

I admired her once again, who wouldn't anyway? She's the Selena Gomez who's everyone wanted to be with. I touched her cheeks before saying, “Babe wake up, dinner is ready.” in soft voice. She didn't stir even a bit. I studied her breathing it is not slowly as she breathe a minute ago. I smirked.

I straddled her and started to kiss her face, no effect.


I remember something. I buried my head on the side of her neck. Whispering, ‘Babe wake up, dinner is ready.’ since my breath hitting her neck. She started laughing and pushed me since it is the ticklish part of her body.

I held both of her hand to prevent her to push me.

“Okay, babe stop!” she screamed trying get out of grasp. I pulled away and looked at her. I frowned at the sight of her.

“You can tell me everything you know.” I said.

“I know,” she whisphers. “I'll tell you.. It's just—... Not now.” I gave her a reassuring smile.

“C'mon the breakfast is ready!” I said as I pulled my self from straddling her. I offered her my hand, she gladdly took it and mouthing thank you.

She made her way to the bathroom to do her business. I just sit here waiting for her come out. Once she came out we both made our way to eat breakfast with Francia.

Selena's POV

“You didn't tell her, did you?” I asked Francia freely since my girlfriend is not here. She's at school.

She looked at me then says, “I didn't. She asked while you we're still sleeping that's what's up with you.”

“She did?” I asked then she nodded.

I sighed, “I actually don't know how to tell her about this whole kidney transplant thing.” I know she will be upset if I didn't tell her. Even if I did told her she can't donate her kidney because we're not match and if we're match, I wouldn't let her.

“Just tell her Sel instead she heard it from others,” she patted my back before going to the living room. She is my donor, Francia. I came to her house crying, of course she asked me why so I told her about the whole transplant thing. She didn't think twice to help me (that's what best friends do), she went through tests and she's going to donate her kidney to me. I'm so lucky to have her as best friend to be honest.

We're both now readying ourselves for the operation that will be happen after this week.


The day after yesterday which is today (lol). I'm planning to talk to Selena. I don't know why too. And I expected that talking to her about what she had been acting lately will turn to heated argument.

I'm planning to talk to her, as in right now. I can feel my hands are sweating and I kept wiping it to my shorts. I grabbed the knob and twisted it to see her laying down on the bed wearing her specks looking at her phone.

I cleared my throat, “Sel can we talk?” she turned her gaze to me then and back to her phone, again.

“I'm busy.” always. I sighed. She continued what she's doing not acknowledging my presence.

  Great. Just great.

I sat on the edge of the bed, “Are you just going to ignore me?” I asked trying to hide the pain in my voice.

Her gaze is still on her phone and speak out, “I'm not ignoring you, if I'm ignoring you I'm not talking to you right now.” Sometimes her snarky remarks annoying the peace of me.

I scoffs, “Why are you always like that?!”

“What?” she said calmly. Not even a glance at me.

“That! Like that! Not acknowledging me, not looking at me when I'm talking, saying always you're busy and ignoring me!”

“I'm just busy.” she said calmly.

“Oh see! That's you're always dialogue!” she still didn't stop from what she's doing. My throat is now aching from yelling.

“I just want talk to you, to know why you're always like if you have problems or something so I can help you.” I said calmly since my throat is aching right now.

“It's none of your business.” she said. Anger started to run through my body.

“How is it not my business?! I'm your girlfriend Selena! Girlfriend!” I yelled.

“Not now Y/n, not now.” she warned.

“Please Selena?” I pleaded.

“Please tell me? I wanna help you.” I added. Then I felt a salty liquid touched my lips. I quickly wiped it with my arms. After that I stood up and started to walk away but before I can hold the knob, a slender arms wrapped around me that made me stop.

“I'm sorry... I'm want to tell you but.. I just need time, I'm sorry babe.” she apologized. I nodded pulling away from her gasp and walked away.

Behind Closed Doors ☆Selena Gomez x Fem!Reader☆ [UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now