Chapter 38

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Y/n's POV

A strong smell of alcohol, smoke and sweet smell of vape, a loud music and people dancing in ecstasy greeted us once we entered the bar.

Still her hand were intertwined with mine. I looked around. Different colors are scattered everywhere. In the ceiling, on the door at the entrance, the lights, the shirts of the workers and their drinks. Then it sinked in, it's a gay bar.

Her hand squeezed mine, “You like it?” she asked.

I looked at her and smile, “Yeah,” I said while nodding my head.

We walked until we reached the table at the VIP area.

“Wifey!” said the pop singer. Her hand pulled away from mine, “Wifey!” she said then hugged her and the others.

I awkwardly stand behind her. It's a bad idea to come with her.

“Oh! You must be Y/n!” I think his name is Frankie, surprised me with his hug.

“Oh yeah,”

He pulled away, “I'm sorry for that, I'm a hugger.” he smiled. “By the way, Frankie.”

“Y/n,” I replied.

“By the way babe,” Camila said and we both sat on the sofa.

“This is Troye, Christian, the hugger Frankie, Kristen and Ariana.” she introduced.

“Nice to meet you all,”

“Likewise,” they all replied.

“You're the famous Y/n,” Troye started, “She talked a lot about you, as in non-stop.” he stated.

“I hope that was all good,” I said.

“Yeah,” Camila handed me a cup. I took a sip of it.

“And how you scream her name,” Ariana said out of nowhere that made me almost spitted the drink that was in my mouth.

“What the—” I said. They all laughed and I was like as red as tomato right now, I think she was too.

“I didn't say anything like that!” she said then playfully hitted Ariana with the squared pillow from behind her.

“Yah! I know! I was just messing around!” she said protecting herself from the attacks.

“Y/n! Stop your girlfriend for hitting me!”

I put my cup down on the table in the front of us. They were just watching us and laughing at them. I stood up and support my weight in my right knee on the couch and reached for her. I wrapped my arms around her chest and pulled her back. She wagged herself trying to reach Ariana, “Babe, stop.” I said into her ears.

I pulled her back that made us fell on the couch. She was now sitting on my lap.

“No one messed up with Karla,” they all agreed and laughed at her reaction. Camila glared at Troye and got off my lap and sat beside me.

“I regret bringing you here with them,” she said that made them gawk.

“That's rude,” they all said.

“Well I was just messing around,” she said then wrapped an arm around me.

They all went to the dance floor outside the VIP area and left me with Ariana. They tried to convinced us but they failed. Well me, I'm not good at dancing plus I'm not in my mood, that's why. I don't know about her.

“Is this the first time you got here?” I heard her asked.

I nodded, “Yeah,” and then took a sip of my drink.

Silence fell between us and stared at the floor. A lot of things ran inside my head. I didn't know what was happening until I felt her approaching me.

“Y/n? Earth to Y/n!?” she said while waving her hand in the front of my face.

I snapped then blinked multiple times, “Hmmm,” I hummed looking at her.

“Penny for your thoughts?” she said.

“No, it's nothing. Nothing important.” I told her. She looked at me suspiciously. To be honest, I really have no any idea what I was thinking because of a lot of things ran inside my head.

“I honestly don't have any idea why I was out of this world,” I said truthfully.

She laughed then back to serious mode, “Are you sure? You know you can talk to me, eh maybe to you girlfriend, family or friends since I just met you an hour ago.”

I smiled, “I know, thanks.”


I stirred up and slowly opened my eyes when I felt something was moving beside me.

I moaned when the pain shot my head, immediately putting my hands on it.

“You okay?” asked the voice that laying down beside me.

“Yeah, just stupid hungover.” I said then sat up.

“Here,” she said handing me a capsule and a glass of water from the night stand.

I put it in my mouth and drank half of the glass, “Thank you,” I said.

“Welcome princess,” she said then pecked my lips.

“I love you,” I love hearing those words from her. It makes my heart melt.

I smiled at her words and replied, “I love you too,”

“Are you hungry?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

She held my hands, “Come on, I cooked pancakes for us.” she said standing up tugging my arm. I lazily hopped out of the bed.

“Make sure that is delicious,”

“Of course, I made that sure.” she said then wrapped an arm around and left the bedroom to the kitchen.

We reached the kitchen and she placed a plate with two pancakes in front of me, same as hers. She handed me the syrup once she's done putting it in hers.

Camila's POV

We walked from the bedroom to the kitchen. She sat on and I, prepared our breakfast. I put three each of pancakes on both of our plate and handed it to her. I grabbed the syrup in the cabinet and put it on mine and I handed her the syrup once I'm done. I started to eat my pancakes in silent. Trying to think of words, and ways how would I say that I'm going out with him today without seeing a frown on her face.

I swear, if the contact ends, I will immediately going to say to the public that I'm gay,— argh! I hate labels. I'm dating Y/n L/n.

I sighed. Thinking of way how to say that without getting her hurt was useless.

I gained my guts, “I'm going out today with him,”

A/n: Booring... I know.

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