Chapter 3🍂

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"So are you going to text her?" I asked.
"Yeah, not right away probably tonight" Shawn replied.
"Are you Seriously playing those games?" I asked.
Shawn laughed.
"It's true though! Like everyone plays these games for no reason" I said.
"But you do them yourself" Shawn said. I looked at Shawn and he looked at me.
"Shut up you little shit" I said pushing him. "Hey!" Shawn said pushing me back, which made all my hot chocolate spill all over my top.
I looked down at the mess and Shawn looked at me with his mouth open.
"I'm so sorry!" Shawn said as he took of his hoodie.
"Take mine, as yours is all wet" Shawn said handing me his hoodie.
"Are you sure Shawn?" I asked. "Yes!" He replied. "Thanks" I said as I put it on. I love the way he smelt, even though that sounds weird.
"So who do you like?" Shawn asked.
"No one, well no one you know" I said.
"Well what's his name?" Shawn asked.
"I'm not saying, you might know him" I said.
"Fine what does he look like it?" Shawn asked.
"Well he has brown hair, brown eyes umm he's really tall-."
"Sounds basic" Shawn said.
"Shawn you have brown hair and eyes" I snapped.
"Yeah But i ain't basic" he said. "Of course" I said putting my arm round him.
"C'mon we both know you're too short" Shawn said pushing my arm away and putting his round me.
"My house?" Shawn suggested. "Always yours" I said as we walked to his.

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