Chapter 39🍂

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Geoff answered the door and smiled at me. I wonder if Shawn told him?
"Geoff what are you doing?!" I said.
"Inviting Ellie of course" Geoff replied calmly. "But you know what happened?!" I said. "Exactly! You need to talk!" Geoff said. "But she doesn't want too!" I said pleading him not too. "C'mon Shawn!" Geoff said. Me and shawn started at each other for a moment. "Fine" I said giving in.
I walked in and Geoff shut the door. Already I could feel the awkwardness in the room. I'm just gonna go a toilet quickly. Shawn looked up from his phone and blushed but I quickly left, I didn't want to make eye contact with him. As soon as I made it into the bathroom I took my phone out.
ELLIE: Lotta come to Geoff's now.
LOTTA: wth El?
ELLIE: please!
LOTTA: fine I'll be there in 10.
I left the toilet and went to Geoff and Shawn. As soon as I walked in the room Shawn and Geoff stopped talking and looked at me, we all awkwardly stood and looked at each other. "I just invited my friend Lotta is that okay?" I asked. "Yeah" Shawn said and his voice was super high as his voice cracked. "That's fine" he added flushing pink. I smiled and we all stood in silence looking on our phones but I wasn't on my phone I was just on my notes typing random stuff, I'm so weird. Thank god Lotta finally arrived. "Hey!" She said as she walked in and she hugged me, Shawn and then Geoff who she hugged for a little while longer. "So Shall we all leave?!" She asked excitedly. We all left and the whole way there Geoff and Lotta were the only ones talking. Me, Lotta, Geoff and Shawn have all been friends since we were four. We've always been a group, In school we all stuck together, everyday. We were unbreakable. We made it and soon we were setting up our stuff. After we did that we decided to walk around a bit and seen the forest around us. Geoff and Lotta walked ahead, laughing and smiling together and me and Shawn were awkwardly walking behind in silence. "Look can we talk?" He said.

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