Chapter 36🍂

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Shawn got up and went to the bathroom and I was left sitting on the messy bed. Now what? That was such a bad mistake, why did I kiss him in the first place? That was so stupid of me. I decided to get up and put on some shorts and a top and I went downstairs. I walked outside and looked at the guitar laying on the floor. Why did me and Shawn do that? I can't believe me and Shawn did that, like that's the only thought going around my head right now. "Hey" Shawn said from behind. I turned around and I saw him and he looked adorable.
"Hey" I replied. "So I think we should talk" Shawn said.
"I think I'm going to go a bed, I don't want to talk right now" I said as I walked away. "Should I leave?" He asked. "No it's late, you can sleep in the spare room" I said and then I walked away. I've never felt so bad about myself in my life.
I watched her as she walked away. Should I feel happy about what just happened? Don't get me wrong it was great in the moment, but now I don't feel good, mostly because she doesn't seem good herself. I don't know what to do with myself. I couldn't sleep now too many thoughts were going round my head so decided to go and sit down and I started to strum my guitar.
"You look gorgeous with your clothes on..." I sang. "No that could sound weird" I mumbled. "Um... I wanna love you with.... the the the.." I mumbled as I thought of a second part. "I wanna love you with the light on" I sang. That's it. I then went inside and grabbed a pen and wrote the lyrics on my hand so I could copy them later.

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