Chapter 12🍂

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I quickly got up from my bed and called Ellie.
She didn't answer her phone must be off as her phone didn't ring. I started to panic and I called up Tessa.
"Hey Shawn" she said.
"Yeah hey, have you seen the photos of Ellie?" I asked.
"Hahaha yes what a slut.. I mean it looked like it" Tessa said.
"A slut?" I asked. Was she calling Ellie a slut?
"No I mean it looked like it, I don't think she is" she said.
"Who's party was it?" I asked. "Oh my friends friend" she said.
"Oh well, do you think you can help me get the photos down?" I asked.
Tessa didn't say anything.
"Tessa?" I said.
"Mhh Yeah Of course" she said and then she put the phone down.
What I've realised is that she never says bye or I love you.
All day I tried to take this pictures down but once it's on the internet it, it stays on there. I called her and it rang but she didn't answer. I laid in my bed but then the doorbell rang. I got up and walked downstairs and I answered the door. It was Ellie.
She looked awful, her hair was messy, she looked pale and like she was about to be sick.
"ELLIE!" I said as I hugged her.
"I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday! I didn't mean to be such a dick to you!" I said but she didn't hug me back. "Ellie?" I said as I stepped away.
"I'm guessing you've see the pictures" she said as she stormed passed me.
"Um yeah" I replied shutting the door.
She didn't say anything she just stood there.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"What? Yeah yeah I'm fine... it's only a picture" she said. Something was off, she was acting weird, she seemed really happy too, how can you be happy in this situation?.
"Oh did you hear? I met someone" she added.
"Seriously?! What's his name?" I asked.
"Umm I, It's Jake" she said.
"I can't really remember as we were pretty drunk, oh and I think I lost my virginity!" She said happily.
"Great, um do you want something?" I asked.
"What you don't want me hear or something? No you want Tessa here don't you, of course you do" she said as she walked passed me.
"No! I was offering, what do you want? Like a drink, food?" I said trying to make the situation better.
"Oh don't act like you like me!" She said and then she slapped me.
I didn't yell back because I knew she was on something. This isn't Ellie.

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