Chapter 26🍂

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I went back to laying on my back. Do I like Ellie?
No, she's dating that dick head Jake, and it's good if we don't date because what if we break up really bad and they the friendship is ruined. Yeah I can resist the urges, of course.
What if she feels the same back? No she won't. Of course she won't.
"Shawn! Dinner!!" My mum yelled from downstairs. I got up and slowly walked downstairs and sat at the table with my family as we ate.
"So Ellies back, does she seem better?" My mum asked.
"Yeah, she seems so much better" I replied. I don't know why but I felt really awkward tonight, I have no idea why. After dinner my parents left the room and it was just me and Aaliyah.
"Why don't you and Ellie just date?" She said.
"What?" I said.
"C'mon on Shawn! I know you like Ellie and I know for a fact Ellie likes you" Aaliyah said.
"You know nothing Aaliyah" I said as I got up.
"Fine don't listen to me, but you know I'm right" she said as she left the room and went upstairs. I just rolled my eyes, Aaliyah is full of it sometimes.
I walked upstairs and I decided to get in the shower, hot showers usually help me with stress.
I got undressed and stepped in and I let the hot water run down my face and all my body.
What if me and Ellie did date? No Shawn. No. Besides these are probably just my feelings being confused, I see her as my sister not my girlfriend. No way, she's not even my type.

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