Chapter 29🍂

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Ellie took the lead as she lead me to the forests. We walked and walked around the forest all day. We were talking about nothing until I saw a guitar.
"Hey look!" I said as I walked over to it.
"Why the fuck is there an abandoned guitar?" Ellie asked as she followed me.
"I don't know but I'm not questioning it" I said as I pulled the guitar out the bush.
I sat down on a stump and I started to play.
"It's not that I'm afraid I'm not enough for her
It's not that I can't find the words to say
But when she's with him, she seems happier
And I don't want to take that away
How many times can I see your fa-."
"Shit" Ellie said. I stopped playing and looked up and looked to where she was looking. I saw Jake walking his dog but he couldn't see us.
Ellie quickly got up and ran into the bushes.
"Ellie what are you doing?!" I asked.
"Shawn?" Jake said. I looked over at him. Fuck.
"Hi" I replied.
"Have you seen Ellie?" He asked.
"No, sorry"'I lied.
"So what you're just randomly walking around here by yourself?" He asked.
"Yeah I am" I replied. I felt kinda cool because I was taller than Jake so I felt like I had now control.
Jake started at me one last time before he walked away.
I waited until he fully away before I called Ellie to come back.
"Why were you hiding from him Ellie?" I asked.

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