Chapter 40🍂

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"Okay" I reply taking a deep breath.
"Look I know it's awkward what happened a few nights ago-."
"No shit" I snapped.
"Look I'm just trying to sort things out" he said. "Besides you're the one who kissed me first" Shawn said a little more quietly. "Excuse me?!" I snapped. "Yeah you're the one who made the move first!" Shawn yelled, that made Geoff and Lotta turn around.
"YOUR'RE THE ONE WHO WENT ALONG WITH IT!" I yelled. Shawn didn't say anything. "You must of wanted to kiss me too!" I yelled. Me and Shawn didn't say anything we just kept walking but I was walking behind him. A few hours later after we all ate we decided to work out our sleeping arrangements. There was only two tents. Me and Shawn were standing trying to decide in our heads again not talking to each other. Geoff and Lotta were talking but then it went silent. Me and Shawn both looked over at each other then looked at Geoff and Lotta who were kissing. Me and Shawn looked back at each other, this is so awkward. Geoff and Lotta pulled away obviously realising that we were watching.
"Yeah you're both sharing that tent" Lotta said. "What?!" I said. But Lotta and Geoff didn't reply they went into the tent. Me and Shawn just stood there awkwardly. "So I guess we're sharing a tent?" I said. "Yeah, I guess we are" Shawn said. I didn't look back I just crawled in and so did Shawn. After a few minutes we were already starting to go asleep. I didn't want to stay awake any longer, especially being so close with Shawn. I laid down and turned on my side so that I was facing away from Shawn.
I was laying on my back looking up thinking about everything. What should I say to her? What does she want me to say? I looked over at her and she was laying on her side, looking away.
"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier" I said. Ellie didn't move. "I just want things to be the way they were before Ellie, I miss you" I said. "Because I love you, not as a best friend but as my girlfriend, I love you"

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