Chapter 7🍂

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"Who's?" I asked.
"Tessa's" He replied.
"Um Yeah sure" I replied. I wasn't really a party, let's get drunk kinda person.
I was lying in bed when my phone starting going off. I leaned over and got my phone.
TESSA💕: hey Shawn 😉
SHAWN: hey.
TESSA💕: what u doin?
SHAWN: lying in bed.. you?
TESSA💕: lying in bed too, can u send my something.
SHAWN: something?
TESSA💕: u know... a pic.
SHAWN: um I've just met you, we met yesterday.
TESSA💕: so? I think we shouldn't hold back, I mean we're gonna see each other eventually.
SHAWN: but now?
TESSA💕: fine Shawn.
TESSA💕: I need to go anyway, bye.
Well that was a weird conversation. Did she really want me to send something...
what she that type of girl?
I shrugged it off and went to sleep.
I woke up the next morning and turned my phone on.
NOTNORMAL (Ellie): u up?
SHAWN: no.
NOTNORMAL (Ellie): well u should be.
SHAWN: why?.
NOTNORMAL (Ellie): bc it's a great day.
SHAWN: well I'll see u later.
NOTNORMAL (Ellie): see ya.
I then got a message from Tessa. She had sent me a nude.
Holy shit.
TESSA💕: u like it?
SHAWN: I wasn't expecting that.
TES: bet u weren't. U still coming tonight? xx
SHAWN: yeah, I suppose.
I really didn't want to go, especially if this is how she acts.

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