Chapter 30🍂

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"I just didn't want to see him, I like it Just us two" She said shrugging it off. I looked at her as she started to climb the tree. I remember when we were younger, maybe five or six, we used to always climb trees together. "You just gonna stand and stare?" She asked as she climbed higher and higher.
I laughed as I went over and started to climb. I wasn't watching but I heard a branch snap and a loud bang.
I looked over and saw Ellie on the floor.
"SHAWN!" She screamed.
I jumped down and ran over to her. She had landed on her arm weirdly.
"C'mon" I said as I picked her up and carried her out of the woods. I tried to think of what to do, the hospital is only 10 minutes away, well if I ran. I decided to run, well walk quickly. "It's gonna be okay" I kept repeating to her, but she was quiet the whole time, her eyes were shut in pain.
I arrived and we were quickly seen by a doctor. It turns out she broke her arm. After a while I was able to go in the same room as Ellie after they were treating her.
"Hey broken arm Ellie" I said as I sat down.
"Where are your parents?" I asked.
"They just left as they had to go to work, besides I'm leaving in a few, they've already signed me out" she said.
We smiled and then we got up and left. "How does your arm feel?" I asked.
"Broken" she replied. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Someone yelled from behind. We both turned around and saw Jake. "SO YOU WERE BOTH TOGETHER?!" He yelled. "No um-."
"Yeah we were, whats wrong with that?" I said. Jake looked up at me.
"She's mine" he snapped.
"Yours? You do know she is a human not an object" I said.
Jake didn't say anything he just looked at me.
"What? You like her or something? You making a move on my girlfriend?" He snapped. "No, I just can't sit here and watch you hurt her" I said. "I'm breaking up with you" Ellie said. Me and Jake both looked at her.
"You know what fuck you, you stupid ass bitch you didn't even sleep with me, what kind of person are you?!" He yelled as he walked away. "So He was hitting you" I said. Ellie nodded.
Not gonna lie I was kinda hurt, I thought Shawn had a small crush on me.

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