Chapter 23🍂

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"Yeah I am" I replied.
"Do you like someone else?" She asked.
I looked up at her and she was looking at me dead in the eye.
"No" I replied.
"Not even Ellie?" She asked.
"No! Of course not! Me and Ellie are just friends and that's what it will always be" I said.
"You sure?" She asked.
"Yes! Now please do me a favour" I said.
"What?" She snapped.
"Piss off" I said. She looked at me one last time before she dramatically turned around and walked away.
"Hey" someone said to me. I turned around and saw Jess. Jess too had been a close friend of mine and of Ellie too.
"So you finally broke up with Tessa" she said.
"Yup" I replied.
"Took you long enough to realise what a stone cold bitch She is" Jess said.
"I knew, I just.. there was something about her that was, I don't know addicting I suppose" I said shrugging.
"And how's Ellie?" I asked.
"Well she's getting better" she said.
"And has she mentioned me?" I asked.
"Umm not really, well actually she hasn't mentioned you at all but think she's going cold turkey on you, literally" Jess said.
"What happened anyway between you guys?" She asked.
"Crazy shit that I don't know want to talk about" I said.
"You like her don't you?" Jess said.
"No" I replied.
"Are you sure?" Jess asked.
"Yes!" I replied.
"Why do you think that?" I asked.
"Because 'friends' don't just look at each other like that" Jess said. 

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